Page 11 - The European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022 - Volume 1
P. 11

European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022
                                                                                   Smart Farming 11

                                              Public perception

                                             of smart farming

                                             A                                farming technologies. Regarding
                                                      lot of research has been
                                                      conducted into ways
                                                                              plant production, we asked them
                                                      in which smart farming
                                                                              about spray drones that apply
                                                      technologies can be
                                             employed to create more efficient   plant protection products and
                                                                              hoeing robots, used for mechanical
                                             farming practices. However,      weeding. For animal production,
                                             less is known about what the     we used milking robots, where
                                             non-agricultural population and   cows are milked willingly and
                                             specifically consumers think     autonomously and virtual fences,
                                             about the use of smart farming   where cattle wear collars that signal
                                             technologies. When we think      to them when they enter the virtual
                                             about general opinion regarding   fence. These technologies were
                                             gene technology (e.g., genetically   explained using a short description
                                             modified wheat), it is clear that   and a picture to make sure that
                                             public acceptance can be a huge   participants understood the
                                             barrier to the adoption of new   nature of the practices they were
                                             technologies. Therefore, care should   considering. Again, they named the
                                             be taken to involve the public early   first thing that came to their minds
                                             on, when considering the use of   and rated it afterwards.
                                             new technology. Furthermore,
                                             due to the ongoing trend towards   Perception of traditional farming
                                             increased digitalisation, it now   The first thing people noted
                                             seems timely to find out what the   when thinking about traditional
                                             public thinks about smart farming   farming were specific tools such
                                             technologies and whether they    as plough, harrow or rake. They
                                             would be willing to accept them.   further mentioned things such as
                                                                              hard work or workload, indicating
                                             An online survey to better       that they were well aware that
                                             understand public perceptions    this work is hard and physical by
                                             To investigate what Swiss        nature, specifically mentioning
                                             consumers think about smart      that traditional farming requires a
                                             farming technologies, we         lot of manual labour. Furthermore,
                                             conducted an online survey in    specific crops, machines or fields
                                             2021. A total of 287 individuals   and acres in general, were frequent
                                             from German speaking parts of    images that came to participants’
                                             Switzerland participated in a two-  minds and in some cases
                                             part questionnaire. In the first part,   participants referred to their own
                                             participants were asked to name the   memories of working in agriculture.
                                             first thing that came to their mind   The most critical points mentioned
                                             when thinking about “traditional   related to plant protection products
                                             farming” and “smart farming”,    and artificial fertiliser. Similarly,
                                             respectively. Subsequently, they   manure was associated with rather
                                             rated their answer on a scale from   negative sentiments, possibly
                                             0 (very negative) to 100 (very   following public debate over
                                             positive). In a second part of the   healthy rivers and lakes. However,
                                             survey, the same method was      despite these concerns the overall
                                             used to investigate participants’   perception of traditional farming
                                             perception of four specific smart   was quite positive.

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