Page 12 - The European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022 - Volume 1
P. 12

12       European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022
                       Smart Farming

                        Concerns, especially

                        about animal welfare

            seem to be a strong driver

            regarding public


            Perception of smart farming      ‘innovative’. Consumers showed
            In contrast, opinions about smart   a clear interest in this technology
            farming, without being given a   and saw the benefits of precise
            definition of what smart farming   application of plant protection
            was, appeared to be very different.   products, which can contribute to
            Smart farming was strongly       higher resource efficiency. At the
            associated with milking, including   same time, however, they worried
            mentions of milking robots and   about noise and whether the
            automatic milking, probably due   technology might be dangerous.
            to the fact that this technology has   Some mentioned that they are   Smart farming for animal
            been on the market for quite some   generally opposed to plant    production
            time and the public is well aware   protection products and instead of   Clearly, more critical were
            of its existence. It is especially   reducing them, they should not be   statements for the two smart
            interesting to note that the     used at all.                     farming technologies in the domain
            pictures that participants named in                               of animal production. Consumers
            connection with traditional farming   For hoeing robots, again,   were especially critical of virtual
            focused more on plant production,   consumers expressed interest   fences. Animal welfare benefits
            whereas for smart farming, milking   in the technology, stating that it   of the technology and possible
            was the dominant topic.          contributed to sustainable farming   danger for hikers or children were
                                             and that it was innovative. They   among the main concerns. When a
            Furthermore, frequent mentions   did worry, however, about the    cow approaches the virtual fence,
            included specific technologies such   high costs associated with this   its collar first emits a sound. The
            as drones, GPS or autonomous     technology – this is a concern   sound increases in volume the
            machines. In total 11 out of 287   that applies to most smart farming   closer the cow gets and when the
            were not able to name anything,   technologies – a shift from     cow tries to exit the fence area, the
            which is a strong indication that   traditional farming to smart    collar emits an electrical signal to
            they did not understand what     farming always comes with high   stop the cow from leaving.
            smart farming involves. Still, the   technology costs.
            ratings were positive and even                                    Though the strength of the
            more positive than for traditional   Participants further worried about   electrical signal is smaller than
            farming, suggesting that the     potential damage to soil, as for   the amount that common fences
            public approves of smart farming   instance regarding soil compaction.   emit, consumers perceive this as
            technologies being used in       Experts, however, are aware that   harmful to the animals. Similarly,
            agriculture.                     hoeing robots have less weight   due to the invisibility of the fence,
                                             than traditional tractors and    they stated it could be dangerous
            Smart farming for crop production  are therefore beneficial for the   to hikers or to children. Despite the
            For spray drones, primarily      soil as compared to traditional   fact that some consumers thought
            positive associations were       farming methods. Overall, both   the technology was interesting or
            recorded, including terms such as   technologies were evaluated quite   innovative, the overall assessment
            ‘reasonable’, ‘efficient’, ‘modern’ and   positively.             was rather negative.

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