Page 17 - The European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022 - Volume 1
P. 17
European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022
Quinoa in baking 17
QUINOA as the main
ingredient for a
gluten-free bread
A high nutritional value supporting a healthy and tasty innovation
Global changes have increased quality and preservation of cultural
interest in neglected and diversity. Many NUS are traditional
underutilsed species crops that are still cultivated by
farmers on a local scale, as is the
Global climate change is affecting case for quinoa. Indeed, farmers
the conditions in which we grow have an increasingly important role
crops, particularly the increasing as guardians of such traditional
salinity and aridity of soil. This is crops. This responsibility should be
further exacerbated by shifts in valued, not only by governments,
rainfall patterns affecting plant and but also by private industry and
ecosystem functions, with farmers other stakeholders, who up until
having to adapt to these changes. now have benefited from farmers’
traditional knowledge of plants and
For crop availability to keep pace the conservation of biodiversity
with population growth, high resources: we all lose when crops
quality food production must that could improve nutrition, health
increase greatly despite the limited and income, are abandoned by
availability of cultivable land and
water - sustainability is a major
concern. Sustainable diets should
provide nutritious food at an
affordable cost, while having a low
impact on the environment. Thus,
the growing demand for food must
co-exist with the need to preserve
arable land for agricultural food
production and genetic diversity to
safeguard ecosystem resilience.
The adaptation of agriculture to
changing climatic conditions and
dietary needs should include the
use of suitable crops. Neglected
and underutilised species (NUS) Didier Bazile, PhD
are important components of Founder and CEO of Qualinoa
agrobiodiversity that may have E:
the potential to adapt to climate
change, have beneficial medicinal
properties, as well as be more
resistant to pests and diseases.
They can also contribute towards
the diversification of agricultural
systems and diets, which includes
reductions in inputs, better food