Page 21 - The European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022 - Volume 1
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European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022
Quinoa in baking 21
unsafe ingredient and by the need contents), but in many instances
to identify alternatives to gluten- reduces volume, increases
rich foods for individuals who hardiness, and confers a dark
suffer from coeliac disease, wheat colour and sometime a bitter taste.
allergies, or non-coeliac gluten These negative characteristics
sensitivity. Given the increase in depend on the percentage of
frequency of these pathologies quinoa flour used. Proportions
in many countries, wider use of of 15–25% quinoa flour increase
wheat-alternative cereals (rice, the content of polyphenols and
maize, sorghum, and others) is antioxidant properties in dough,
critical. Projections indicate that but these characteristics are often
GF food production will expand at lost during baking. Similarly, the
an annual growth rate of 9.1% from addition of quinoa flour improves
2019 to 2025 . However, GF foods nutritional properties, but reduces
are usually higher in fats, sugars, textural and sensory properties
and sodium and lower in protein, and increases phytate and saponin
minerals and fibres than gluten- content.
rich foods, as such, pseudocereal
seeds offer great potential in The nutritional value of quinoa and
supplementing the nutritional its potential for GF diets are not
deficiencies of a typical GF diet. generally considered or discussed
by the baking industry. It is noted
Compared to conventional grains that its use in the bakery industry
(wheat, corn and rice), quinoa has and also in the food industry,
the highest amount of protein and is limited by the presence of
total fat and the second highest compounds that confer undesirable
dietary fibre content, which organoleptic and technological
makes it relevant regarding food characteristics. As such, quinoa
security. Its balanced pattern of cannot yet fully be a substitute for
essential amino acids is one of true cereals in bakery products. At
the main features of quinoa. Our present it is only considered as a
data confirms the high degree supplementary material that can be
of unsaturation in quinoa fat, added to selected food products
as stated in the literature . For in small proportions, generally less
example, compared with the fatty than 10%. This inclusion enriches
acid composition of rice, quinoa current GF bread formulations
contains over 20 times more without major adverse changes for
unsaturated fatty acids, especially consumers – though all of them still
acids, vitamins, amino acids, dietary linoleic acid (C18:2). contain additives that can generate
fibres, lignans and unsaturated fatty secondary pathologies for coeliac
acids, among others. In addition, Nowadays, quinoa is used to make patients.
pseudocereals show great promise pasta, bread and other bakery
in the production of gluten-free products. In general, its addition to A new quinoa bread is born: GF
(GF) foods, with interest driven wheat flour improves the nutritional with 70% quinoa
by the rise in dietary choices in properties of bread (higher fibre, Although quinoa has great potential
which gluten is considered an mineral, protein, and healthy fat for functional foods and to improve
Exploring the quinoa’s biodiversity is key
to exploiting technological and
nutritional traits.