Page 30 - The European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022 - Volume 1
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30 European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022
What is Europe doing
about its high salt intake?
dding salt, when both consumption, the World Health
preparing and eating Organization (WHO) and most
popular dishes, has been national governments recommend
Apart of most European a maximum salt intake of 5 – 6 g
cultures for centuries. But decades per day.
of consistent evidence tells us that
eating too much salt as part of our However, despite many countries in
everyday diets increases blood Europe having initiated policies to
pressure, which is a major risk reduce population salt intake, most
factor for heart attacks and stroke 1 countries are still eating more salt
– a leading cause of death and than suggested in WHO guidelines,
disability in Europe and globally. with intakes ranging from 8 g to 13
High salt intake is also linked to g/day, double the recommended
increased risk of osteoporosis, level.
stomach cancer, kidney disease,
and renal stones. Furthermore, countries in Eastern,
Central and Southern Europe
How much salt are we consuming? (such as Czech Republic, Hungary
Given the major public health and Slovenia where salt intakes
burden associated with high salt range from 12.5 – 13.6 g/day),
have further to go to meet the
recommended intake compared
with Northern and Western Europe,
where intakes are closer to 8g or
9g/day (e.g. in Denmark, Sweden
and the Netherlands). 6,7,8 (In fact,
salt intakes in Eastern Europe are
some of the highest globally. 5
Which foods tend to have
more salt?
In most European countries, about
75% of dietary salt comes from
processed and packaged foods.
The most significant sources of
salt overall are bread, cereals and
Hattie Burt
bakery products. Although these
Registered Associate are not the saltiest products we
Nutritionist (ANutr) and eat, they are normally eaten daily
Policy and Communications in relatively large quantities,
Officer at Action on therefore the salt they contain
Sugar and Salt, Policy and
Communications Officer at quickly adds up.
Queen Mary University of
London It is worth noting processed
meats, sausages and cheeses are
also major contributors to salt
intake. Therefore, it would greatly