Page 41 - The European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022 - Volume 1
P. 41

European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022
                                                                                   Healthy Snacks 41
                                                                                      ACROSS THE POND

            binding capacity affecting bake   unacceptable, unless masked.    digestibility, which can actually
            loss).                           The use of appropriate emulsifiers   be an approach to reduce the
                                             and enzymatic treatments shows   caloric contribution of snack foods.
            Pulses in snacks can be used as   promising results, in particular in   Alpha-galactooligosaccharides are
            flour, starch, protein concentrate   gluten-free applications. The reader   fermentable by colonic microflora,
            or protein isolate. They may also   is referred to Escobedo and Mojica   which can lead to a prebiotic effect
            be subjected to other processes   (2021) for an excellent review on   but also cause flatulence and
            such as hydrolysis or texturisation.   pulse-based snacks.  9     trigger irritable bowel syndrome
            All these options combined with                                   symptoms. These dual effects
            levels of addition and processing   An important consideration    must be considered carefully
            lead to a variety of effects in the   in utilising pulses in snacks is   during product development
            final products. In general, simple   the presence of antinutritional   and additional clinical studies are
            substitution of cereal flours with   compounds and their fate during   warranted to support formulation
            pulse flour leads to increased   processing. Phytic acid, tannins,   and processing decisions.
            hardness, loss of cohesiveness and   trypsin inhibitors and amylase
            lower volume, expansion or spread,   inhibitors are a few examples of   Novel treatments of traditional
            depending on the type of snack.   antinutritional factors that occur   grains
            When the protein content of the   in different concentrations in   It is worth mentioning a novel look
            formulation is increased, starch   pulses. There is debate as to   into traditional grains. The use of
            digestibility is modified, mostly   whether some of these are in   specific milling products and/or
            in favour of the slowly digestible   fact desirable. Phytic acid, for   prior treatment of a specific fraction
            starch fraction and reduction    example, chelates minerals,      causes great modifications in the
            of glycemic index.  For some     reducing their bioavailability,   functionality of well-known grains.
            pulses, such as faba beans, the   but also has antioxidant activity.   In rye, product characteristics were
            beany flavour maybe considered   Amylase inhibitors reduce starch   enhanced with heat treatment,

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