Page 54 - The European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022 - Volume 1
P. 54

54         European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022
                       WASTE TRADE AND INCINERATION

            Is waste incineration

            contaminating our food?

              n Europe we are burning more   stipulates that only 10% of waste   measurements of emissions are
              and more of our waste. Just    generated can be landfilled from   not currently mandatory for waste
              over the last two decades,     2035 per year. It also states that   incinerators, which mostly rely on
             IEurope has built around 500    any waste landfilled has to be pre-  a few pre-announced short-term
            incinerators. The latest data from   treated. At this time, there were no   measurements (6-8 hours) per year.
            Eurostat for the EU 27 shows that   policies to limit waste incineration.   This short-term sampling approach
            we are now burning approximately   This means that anything that was   is seriously flawed as it represents
            61 million tonnes of municipal   not separately collected could be   only about 0.2 % of the total yearly
            waste, representing a 105%       burned directly, regardless of its   operating time and allows those
            increase compared to the amount   recyclability. As a result, waste that   facilities to appear compliant with
            incinerated in 1995.  In fact, we are   was previously landfilled was simply   existing emissions standards.
            now burning about 137 kg of waste   moved to incinerators. Europe is
            per person, per year.            now burning roughly more than half   An increasing amount of scientific
                                             of its residual waste, with less being   literature  shows high levels of
            Why are we burning our waste?    landfilled each year. 3          contamination with pollutants,
            Much of the growth in incineration                                such as dioxins and furans, in the
            can be explained by EU policies    Is it safe to burn waste?      vicinity of waste incinerators.
            focusing on limiting the amount   European waste incinerators     Most of the concern has been
            of waste that is landfilled. For   are often presented as a clean   around so called Persistant
            example, the Landfill Directive   and safe way to make our waste   Organics Pollutants (POPs). Also
                                             disappear. The myth that burning   known as “forever chemicals”,
                                             waste is successful and safe in   POPs are extremely toxic
                                             Europe is often used by advocates   chemicals that adversely affect
                                             of incinerators in other regions,   human health and are resistant to
                                             especially in the Global South.   environmental degradation.

                                             The industry claims that         Biomonitoring of incinerators’
                                             incinerators are subjected to and   emissions
                                             comply with the most stringent   To provide evidence of the actual
                                             regulations. A recent paper by the   emissions by waste incinerators, the
                                             Confederation of European Waste-  impact of burning waste needs to
                                             to-Energy Producers (CEWEP)      be measured over a longer period
                                             stated that incinerators only emit   of time. This is why Zero Waste
                                             about 0.2% of the total industrial   Europe conducted biomonitoring
                                             dioxin emissions. 4              research around three incineration
                                                                              facilities in Europe, in collaboration
               Janek Vähk
                                             The truth is, however, that the   with toxicology researchers from
               Climate, Energy and           complexity of the chemical       ToxicoWatch Foundation. The
               Air Pollution Programme       content of today’s household     data obtained was referenced
               Coordinator                   and industrial waste presents    with other research conducted by
               Zero Waste Europe             a challenge to eliminate the     ToxicoWatch in Belgium, France
                                             multitude of pollutants from     and Spain.
                                             incinerators’ residues and flue
                                             gases. Moreover, the way the     The research analysed the
                                             pollutants are monitored is not   presence of toxic pollutants in
                                             sufficiently representative of the   biomarker samples such as locally
                                             level of real emissions. Long-term   produced chickens’ eggs, pine

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