Page 53 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 53

                                                                            PANDEMIC CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR       53

                                             “When the world looks like a

                                             dangerous and uncertain place

                                             consumers increasingly turn

                                             to the security and familiarity
                                             provided by well known,

                                             recognisable brands.”

                                             suggest that bread-making might be   looks like a dangerous and uncertain
                                             considered a therapeutic activity. g  place consumers increasingly turn to
                                             One other part of the story might be   the security and familiarity provided
                                             the link to the tactile stimulation that   by well known, recognisable brands
                                             preparing bread so naturally provides,   over the experiential, experimental
                                             given the widespread increase in   food and drink off erings. Sweetness
                                             ‘touch hunger’ that has been     too can also, potentially, be
                                             documented amongst many people   reassuring.
                                             in society, in recent years. h
                                                                              Another reason for changing food
                                             Comfort foods are defi ned as those   behaviour during the pandemic
                                             that can provide something of an   undoubtedly relates to people’s
                                             emotional crutch whenever we feel   reduced willingness and/or ability to
                                             threatened. What else could explain   go shopping: indeed, worldwide
                                             the more than 700% increase in sales   Google searches for “food delivery”
                                             of instant trifl e!? These are clearly   and “local food” reached all-time
                                             nostalgic fl avours that remind us of   highs in April, 2020, with people in
                                             happy earlier times.             the UK being six times more likely to
                                                                              look for “veg boxes” than before the
                                             Documented sales of powdered     pandemic. As of the start of October,
                                             custard and instant mash also surged   2020, those living in the UK had
                                             during lockdown, as shoppers rushed   apparently already cooked half a
                                             to fi nd the emotional security   billion more meals under lockdown,
                                             provided by comfort food.  None of   with sales of steak up by 40%.  The
                                             these foods, note, requiring a   suggestion being that people were
                                             functioning set of mandibles (i.e.,   trying to recreate restaurant meals at
                                             notice the total absence of      home. Not surprising given how many
                                             challenging textures in these foods).   high-end producers have struggled to
                                             Given that the texture of the crust is   deliver an experience in the home
                                             such a key part of the appeal of   that matches what can be expected
                                             freshly-baked bread, it is perhaps not   in a high-end restaurant or posh
                                             so surprising to fi nd that it does not   bakery. n
                                             regularly appear in lists of people’s
                                             favourite comfort foods.         Ultimately, however, I can’t help but
                                                                              wonder about whether the delectable
                                             In the UK, sales of nostalgia food   smell was also part of the story of
                                             brands– think Spam, Smash, Fray   homemade bread during lockdown,
                                             Bentos, and the like – also increased   given how much more time so many
                                             during lockdown.  When the world   of us were forced to be at home

                                                                                       BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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