Page 48 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 48

        48    HYDROGEN

            •  A 1.2 MW forced draft test furnace   gas-fired heating and drying for most   Baking trials
              identified no issues.          of its high throughput operations. This   The objective of the baking trials was
            •  A 55 MW glass furnace trial   extends to steam generation for   to evaluate the effect of a 20% H /
              concluded no operational or    process heating as well as direct gas   80% NG mixture on the bakery
              product quality issues were    use. Baking is no exception and it is   product quality for bread, cake and
              identified.                    widely accepted that a bakery oven is   biscuits. It was not anticipated that
            •  A bakery oven (bread, biscuits and   the most energy greedy part of a   significant differences in baked
              cakes) using NG/H blend, trialled at   bakery and, therefore, offers the   product quality would be observed,
              Campden BRI and recently       greatest potential for CO emission   but necessary to confirm this through

              completed, resulted in no issues.  reduction.                   experimental trials.
            •  State-of-the-art ceramics kiln
              used for bricks, refractories and   This was investigated within the   The questions posed were based on
              tiles, was installed and tested by   HyDeploy project, using the pilot   the differences in the calorific value
              Lucideon, a materials technology   baking facilities at Campden BRI.   and combustion air to fuel ratio that
              company.                       These trials were recently completed   might change the oven heat
            •  7 MW operational steam boiler   and are being written up to add    performance and affect the baking
              trialled with Unilever.        to the evidence base that will support   performance. Also, the increased
                                             the Government’s decision on     quantity of water in the combustion
            The food industry is a major user of   hydrogen.                  gases may change both the external

            BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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