Page 44 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 44

        44    FOOD SAFETY

            while handling customer-owned    customised products. It is the first   manufacturers, food producers and
            containers in direct sales contact.   sustainable packaging tool to   consumers are aware of the
                                             incorporate the presence of      substances in the materials that touch
            One resource that can help tackle this   chemicals of concern in foodware   food (and where they end up). To
            challenge is the Understanding   and packaging products alongside   achieve this, here are some actions a
            Packaging (UP) Scorecard. The UP   more common measurements like   business can take:
            Scorecard is a free online tool   CO  emissions, water use and
            produced by a coalition of food   recoverability. Use of the UP   •  Request a list from any packaging /
            service companies, NGOs and      Scorecard has also been endorsed   food processing equipment
            technical experts (including members   and recommended by the World   supplier of the substances in the
            of the Food Packaging Forum) to help   Business Council for Sustainable   food contact materials that the
            purchasers compare foodware and   Development’s SPHERE Packaging    business buys. The UP Scorecard
            food packaging options in an     Framework.                         website has a 3-tiered list of
            “apple-to-apple” comparison across                                  chemicals-of-concern. Ensure that
            six different human and          To address chemical migration and   the chemicals in the business’s
            environmental health impact areas.   better protect human health in the   FCMs are not on the list.
                                             longer term, society needs to simplify
            Scores can be customised based on   food contact materials and increase   •  Ask local waste operators directly
            European or US life cycle assessment   transparency along the supply chain   what materials can be recycled or
            data and users can create and score   to ensure that packaging      composted in order to purchase

            BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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