Page 43 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 43

                                                                                               FOOD SAFETY    43

                                             to be considered including       Changing an entire processing or
                                             chemical safety. The World Business   packaging system can be challenging
                                             Council for Sustainable Development   and switching to non-inert materials
                                             recently called for evaluating “all   cannot be done quickly or in some
                                             aspects of environmental         cases may not be feasible due to the
                                             sustainability” when assessing   current infrastructure set up. But
                                             packaging.                       perhaps smaller changes can be
                                                                              made more quickly in how foods are
                                             So, what are the conditions that   stored, at what temperature they are
                                             increase migration from packaging in   stored, or by protecting food from
                                             which chemicals can move more    outside heat sources whilst in its
                                             easily, like paper and many plastics?   packaging. When considering
                                             In short, chemical migration from   material use and chemical migration,
                                             materials increases:             the best advice is to avoid packaging
                                                                              wherever possible. For example, this
                                             •  at higher temperatures        could be achieved in a customer
                                             •  over time                     facing business, by making it clear to
                                             •  in small portion sizes (because of   customers that they can bring their
                                               the high surface area to volume   own containers. This could be further
                                               ratio)                         enhanced by developing a strategy
                                             •  into fatty or acidic foods.   for maintaining hygienic standards
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