Page 46 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 46

        46    HYDROGEN

           NATURAL GAS

           BLENDED WITH


            Is this a realistic option to reduce CO
            emissions in bakery?

            Written by:

                                                       Gary Tucker
                                                    Fellow, Campden BRI

                    here are many political,   When hydrogen production is
                 social and economic reasons for   discussed, the different ways of
                 the world to move from fossil   producing it are often described
                 fuels to more environmentally   using colours:
            sustainable sources of energy. The
            move will happen over a period of   •  ‘Blue’ hydrogen – natural gas is split
            several years and will require a mix of   into hydrogen and CO , with the
            energy sources to guarantee a      latter captured and stored.
            consistent supply.  This includes
            renewables like wind and solar, as well   •  ‘Green’ hydrogen – electrolysis is
            as nuclear and hydrogen that provide   used to separate out the hydrogen
            greater consistency in their supply.   and oxygen from water.
            Technology for nuclear and
            renewables is relatively mature, but   •  ‘Pink’ hydrogen – this also uses
            hydrogen is in its infancy by      electrolysis but the energy source is
            comparison.                        nuclear, a low source of CO  emissions.

            BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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