Page 41 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 41

                                                                                               FOOD SAFETY    41

            are due to the rigid chemical structure   “sustainable” packaging? Let’s   proper disposal. Meanwhile,
            of the material which makes it highly   consider the three common strategies   biodegradable plastic is intended to
            resistant to degradation.        mentioned earlier that many      be consumed by microbes that
                                             companies are now following –    convert the material into carbon
            Paper, board, and plastics are   switching to biodegradable and/or   dioxide, methane, biomass and
            non-inert materials. Their material   biobased plastics, increasing recycled   mineral salts after disposal. Such
            structures make it easier for any   content and lightweighting.   material can be biobased,
            smaller, unbound chemicals present,                               biodegradable or both.
            such as plasticisers, colourants, inks   Biodegradable / biobased plastics
            and adhesives, to migrate from within   Biobased plastic is made with   Unfortunately, the specifi c conditions
            the material or from the material’s   renewable source material such as   necessary for full biodegradation of
            exterior into the food. Printing ink, for   corn or sugar cane. However, the   packaging to take place are not
            example, has been shown to migrate   plastic ultimately created is largely   always shared by product
            through paper and board packaging   the same material as conventional   manufacturers and sometimes the
            into dry foods.                  hydrocarbon based plastic, and thus   necessary conditions are not present
                                             gives rise to the same concerns   in nature or even in industrial
            What does this mean when selecting   around chemical migration and   composting facilities. This means

            “Much of the discussion around sustainable
            materials focuses on the packaging of the fi nal

            product, but chemicals can transfer into foodstuff

            from both the packaging and the processing


                                                                                       BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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