Page 37 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 37

                                                                         GLUTEN SENSITIVITY AND SOURDOUGH     37

            Presently, the consensus in the    About the author
            medical community is that individuals   Charlene is an Assistant Professor of Food Science and Human Nutrition at
            with coeliac disease should avoid all   Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. Her research
            foods containing gluten regardless of   focuses on physical and chemical structures of food components and how
            fermentation status, but the use of   changes to those structures can affect human health. Specifically, she is
            sourdough fermentation as a        interested in novel therapies for coeliac disease beyond the gluten-free diet
            technology for detoxifying gluten in   including the use of dietary supplements and implementation of targeted
            baked goods has become an area of   fermentation approaches to reduce gluten immunogenicity. Though not
            interest for food scientists and   gluten-sensitive herself, Charlene loves experimenting with gluten-free
            nutritionists alike.               baking in both her lab and her kitchen.

            Fermentation approaches to
            combating coeliac disease        were used to ferment a dough for 24   characterised the microorganisms
            Though no evidence currently exists   hours before 2 hours of additional   found in 500 unique sourdough
            where traditional artisanal sourdough   fermentation with baker’s yeast, to   starters across the globe and
            fermentation provides protection   produce a leavened bread that did   determined that the microbial
            against the harmful gluten peptides   not stimulate intestinal permeability in   makeup of sourdough starters can be
            associated with coeliac disease   individuals with coeliac disease. This   classified by factors such as
            pathogenesis, scientists are exploring   reduction in inflammatory symptoms   geographic origin, age, storage
            novel strategies to employ the known   was associated with the extensive   temperature and handling practices.
            gluten-degrading capabilities of   proving time provided by the
            sourdough-derived microorganisms   lactobacilli, which produce enzymes   As such, a “one-size-fits-all” approach
            in the production of baked goods.   capable of degrading gluten   to prescribing the safety of
                                             proteins.  Though this application of   sourdough bread would not be
            Several species of lactic acid bacteria   lactobacilli is still not completely   appropriate without further
            commonly found in sourdough      aligned with the standard use of   understanding of the relationships
            starters (Lactobacillus          sourdough starter cultures in    between sourdough starter culture
            sanfrancisensis, Lactobacillus   everyday baking practices, these   microbiomes and their gluten-
            alimentarius, Lactobacillus brevis,   findings suggest that there is   detoxifying abilities. However, with
            Lactobacillus hilgardii) and fungal   potential for targeted fermentation   the advent of powerful analytical
            enzymes have been applied as     approaches to be used to create   techniques such as metagenomic
            processing aids in the production of   fermented bread products and for   sequencing and proteomics, the
            coeliac-safe food products. In one   organisms found naturally in   future is bright for applying the
            study, these bacterial cultures and   sourdough starter cultures to provide   ancient technology of sourdough in
            enzymes were used to ferment a   protection against gluten sensitivities.  the treatment of modern ailments.
            mixture of flour and water, which was
            then spray-dried in preparation for   The future of sourdough
            further processing into a sweet baked   fermentation
            product. The pre-fermentation of   Based on current research, the
            flour in this study reduced gluten   answer to the question, “Is sourdough
            concentrations from ~100 ppm to <   bread safe for gluten-sensitive
            10 ppm and resulted in the       people?”, does not appear to be a   Contact detail
            production of a baked item that did   simple “yes” or “no”. Even if an   Charlene Van Buiten, PhD
            not stimulate an immune response or   artisanal sourdough starter culture   Assistant Professor
            gastrointestinal distress in a small   were found to have significant   Department of Food Science and
            group of individuals with coeliac   protective effects against coeliac   Human Nutrition
            disease. 20,21                   disease, sourdough starters are    213 Gifford Building
                                             celebrated for their diversity in terms   Colorado State University
            In a model more akin to commercial   of both their microbiomes and their   Fort Collins, CO 80523
            bread production, isolates of    functional outputs.                USA
            L. alimentarius, L. brevis,                                         E:
                                                                                T: +1 970-491-5868
            L. sanfrancisensis and L. hilgardii   A recent international study

                                                                                       BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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