Page 35 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 35

                                                                         GLUTEN SENSITIVITY AND SOURDOUGH     35

                                             the gastrointestinal tract and taken   targeting of transglutaminase 2 is
                                             into the bloodstream as sugar,   what makes coeliac disease an
                                             resistant starches act more like fibre   autoimmune response and
                                             and promote colonic health.      differentiates it from classical food
                                             Similarly, true fibre found in the flour   allergies. 14
                                             is also affected by fermentation; the
                                             production of microbial enzymes has   Presently, there is no known cure for
                                             been shown to increase fibre     coeliac disease beyond lifelong
                                             solubility and the production of   adherence to a gluten-free diet,
                                             beneficial prebiotics to promote   though novel therapies have been
                                             gastrointestinal health.         investigated in clinical trials. The
                                                                              therapeutic agent Latiglutenase is an
                                             Another function of enzymes      enzyme that is administered orally
                                             produced by sourdough starter    and counteracts the inflammatory
                                             cultures is protein degradation;   effects of gluten by degrading gluten
                                             sourdough fermentation has been   peptides in the stomach upon
                                             shown to increase the amount of free   ingestion, rendering them
            due to processes in their production   amino acids in bread and improve   unrecognisable by the immune
            which kill microorganisms such as   protein digestibility.        system.  The success of Latiglutenase
            baking, ageing or storage. Sourdough                              in early-stage clinical trials suggests
            is one such food: though the dough   Is sourdough safe for gluten-  that enzymatic degradation may be a
            used to create a loaf of sourdough   sensitive people?            strategy to “detoxify” gluten.  As
            bread is often rich in beneficial lactic   The overall health benefits of   previously mentioned, protein
            acid bacteria, these organisms cannot   sourdough fermentation and   degradation is also a function of
            withstand the high heat of baking. As   particularly the influence of   sourdough starter cultures over the
            a result, the health benefits    sourdough fermentation on protein   course of fermentation. This, along
            associated with sourdough bread are   digestibility, has led many to wonder   with the general perception of
            derived not from probiotics, but from   whether sourdough breads are safe   sourdough bread as being beneficial
            the actions of the starter culture over   for individuals with coeliac disease or   to gut health has spurred curiosity as
            the course of fermentation.      other non-coeliac gluten sensitivities.   to whether sourdough fermented
                                             Coeliac disease is an autoimmune   breads might be safe for individuals
            Starter culture microorganisms have   condition characterised by adverse   with coeliac disease or non-celiac
            been shown to improve mineral    responses to gluten. For individuals   gluten sensitivities. 4
            bioavailability in sourdough bread in   with coeliac disease, gluten
            comparison to conventional yeast-  consumption results in inflammation   Case studies have suggested that
            fermented bread through the      and the formation of lesions in the   traditional sourdough fermentation
            production of organic acids and   gastrointestinal tract and reduced   can improve gastrointestinal
            enzyme phytase, which promote the   ability to absorb essential nutrients   tolerance to bread in comparison to
            degradation of anti-nutritional   from the diet. 14               conventional yeast fermentation, but
            phytates found naturally in flour.                                only for individuals with non-coeliac
            The effects of the starter culture are   Coeliac disease pathogenesis   gluten sensitivity. The prevailing
            observed again with the lower    comprises a complex inflammatory   hypothesis is that it is not gluten to
            glycemic index, or rate at which   milieu wherein partially undigested   which such individuals are sensitive,
            glucose is released into the     gluten proteins are targeted by the   but rather, poorly-absorbed short-
            bloodstream, from sourdough      immune system as foreign invaders   chain carbohydrates, also known as
            breads.                          upon intestinal absorption. In   FODMAPs (short for fermentable
                                             attempts to repair the tissue damaged   oligosaccharides, disaccharides,
            Over the course of fermentation, the   by this initial immune response, the   monosaccharides and polyols).
            increased acidity of sourdough is   body secretes an enzyme called   Sourdough fermentation has been
            associated with the formation of   transglutaminase 2, which then also   shown to decrease the presence of
            resistant starch.  9,10  Instead of being   becomes flagged as a foreign invader   FODMAPs in bread by 69-75% and
            broken down by digestive enzymes in   alongside gluten proteins. The body’s   reduce symptoms of irritable bowel

                                                                                       BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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