Page 31 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 31

                                                                                   WHAT ABOUT FLATBREADS?     31

                                             catering for their individual needs and
                                             preferences. New ingredients are
                                             being used to create innovative
                                             fl avours that also leverage the
                                             nutritional quality of the product.

                                             Microalgae and seaweed enriched
                                             fl atbreads off er an unusual colour and
                                             taste with an improved nutritional
                                             profi le. There is also a trend for using
                                             vegetables such as carrots and
                                             pumpkin as a base, instead of
                                             conventional cereals (i.e., wheat, rice,
                                             or corn) to off er a wider range of
                                             nutritional and organoleptic choices.
                                             Incorporated health-benefi cial
                                             ingredients such as vitamins and
                                             antioxidants are now regularly chosen   About the author
                                                                                Dr. Fatma Boukid is senior project
                                             by manufacturers to make functional   manager at Clonbio group (Dublin,
                                             foods. The use of prebiotics and   Ireland). She is an active researcher
                                             probiotics is also increasing due to   in Food science and technology
                                             their positive eff ects on health.   with a focus on plant-based
                                                                                ingredients and sources (proteins,
                                             Sourdough and its technology are   fi bres, cereals, microalgae,
                                             attracting attention as an old food   legumes and pseudocereals)
                                             with new processes, having several   for developing plant-based
                                             health benefi ts, especially for   alternatives and innovative bakery
            vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free,   digestive health. New approaches are   products.
            egg-free and lactose-free). Flatbreads   being developed to mitigate the
            are generally aff ordable, palatable and   safety issues related to the
            ready-to-eat wraps with a long shelf   development of processing
            life. During the pandemic, interest in   contaminants such as acrylamide and
            shelf-stable staples helped contribute   aromatic hydrocarbons. For instance,
            to increased demand for fl atbreads.   blanching or acid immersion of raw
                                             ingredients could reduce acrylamide
            Endless opportunities for innovation   formation during baking. Smart
            Flatbreads off er limitless possibilities   packaging could also off er continuous   Contact detail
            for innovation. As the fl atbread   monitoring and improvement of the   ClonBio Group Ltd.
            market grows, manufacturers      quality and safety of the product.   6 Fitzwilliam Pl, D02 XE61 Dublin,
            continue to introduce new products.   With so much interest in fl atbreads, it   Ireland
            Personalised nutrition can further   is perhaps unsurprising that so many   T: +36 30 276 9378
            extend the purchasing of fl atbreads   commentators are expecting the   E:
            by health-conscious consumers by   market to rise.                  W:

             1  Boukid, F. Flatbread - A Canvas for Innovation: A Review. Appl. Food Res. 2022, 2, doi:10.1016/j.afres.2022.100071.
             2  Boukid, F.; Rosell, C.M. The Nutritional Quality of Wholegrain and Multigrain Breads Is Not Necessarily Better than White
               Breads: The Case of Gluten-Free and Gluten-Containing Breads.
      2022, doi:10.1080/09637486.2022.2086974.
             3  Boukid, F. The Realm of Plant Proteins with Focus on Their Application in Developing New Bakery Products. In Advances in
               Food and Nutrition Research; Zhou, W., Gao, J., Eds.; Academic Press: Cambridge, 2021; Vol. 99, p. In press.

                                                                                       BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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