Page 28 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 28




            Authentic foods with a modern twist

            Written by:
                                                                              factors, i.e., authenticity, health and
                                                                              nutrition, sustainability, versatility and

                                                                              Leveraging the interest in
                                                                              Flatbreads come in a variety of shapes
                                                                              that are made using diff erent recipes
                                    Fatma Boukid, Ph.D.                       belonging to diff erent culinary
                          Senior Project Manager, ClonBio Engineering         traditions. Manufacturers promote their
                                                                              ethnic heritage to create a nostalgic
                                                                              link between food and consumers.
                   latbreads are among the   come from diff erent culinary regions   Among the many marketing strategies
                  oldest staples in the world.   such as India, where frying is used to   employed is storytelling. Stories enable
                  They have a long history:   make paratha and poories. There is a   brands to create and re-enforce the
              starting in the area of Western Asia   wide variety of fl atbreads, single-  backstories to their foods. This
            known as the Fertile Crescent, they   layered leavened (e.g., Ethiopian   encourages consumers to feel a
            gradually became widespread      injera), single layered unleavened   deeper connection with the features
            throughout the Middle East, North   (e.g., roti, tortilla and parotha), and   of a given product.
            and South Africa, Europe, the Indian   double-layered (e.g., Arabic fl atbread
            subcontinent, China and America. 1  and baladi).                  Thus, fl atbreads can easily be
            The basic ingredients of fl atbreads                              connected to specifi c cultural
            are fl our, salt, water and yeast   The production of fl atbreads   heritages. The pandemic contributed
            (optional). After blending the   eventually shifted from artisanal to   to re-enforcing these links between
            ingredients, the dough is kneaded,   industrial and currently these   the consumer and their local heritage
            leavened (optional), fl attened to a few   products are appreciated as a global   in baking. In this way, consumers
            centimetres and cooked. Cooking is   food which is available on all   found a kind of reassurance in making
            mostly done by baking in an oven or a   supermarket shelves. The expansion   and consuming traditional fl atbreads,
            pan, but there are fl atbreads that   of this market is driven by several   as it connects them to their roots

            “Flatbreads can easily be connected to specifi c

            cultural heritages. The pandemic contributed to

            re-enforcing these links between the consumer

            and their local heritage in baking.”

            BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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