Page 24 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 24

        24    AUTOMATION/AI

            and ultrasound acoustics can     personnel, as well as improvement of   combination of ingredients, data and
            determine the protein content and   the health of patients in a hospital. In   algorithms. The tool supports product
            several other properties in fl our, with   both instances, consumers will be   developers in bakeries to identify
            great precision, compared to     able to input their preferences into a   effi  ciently optimal sugar replacements
            conventional technologies. 1     machine, which will combine this   and predicts optimised lower sugar
            Computer vision combined with    information with all the nutritional   recipes.
            artifi cial neural networks can predict   requirements for the individual
            temperature, volume and the      consumer to predict and create a   Case study 3: Detection of mould
            browning index during the baking   personalised food programme. This   and other defects
            process.  The information obtained   novel, digital process will then
            from this data can be integrated into   integrate consumer preferences with    Quality assessment during food
            advanced baking process control   appropriate ingredients in a special   production and storage is a labour-
            algorithms and, eventually, this can   food production system to produce   intensive task is, therefore, usually
            lead to an increased level of    the unique product for the consumer   only performed on a representative
            automation.                      and present an ideal opportunity to   sample of products. WUR researchers
                                             showcase the power of smart      have applied computer vision
            Example case studies using       manufacturing.                   technologies combined with expert
            smart baking                                                      knowledge on the appearance of
                                             Case study 2: Digital tool for sugar   mould to detect automatically and
            Case study 1: 3D printing        reduction                        quantify mould on food surfaces. The
            personalised nutrition                                            current capabilities of data storage
                                             Reducing the sugar content in sweet   and image analysis facilitate
            There is an increasing understanding   bakery products whilst maintaining   assessment of a large number of
            of how the eff ect of food and   the product quality characteristics   individual food products with this
            nutrition aff ects general human health   such as texture and sweetness is a   tool, potentially allowing full
            and performance, as well as individual   complicated process. WUR experts   automation of mould detection of the
            responses. Together with an industrial   gained scientifi c insight into the   entire production. Computer vision
            consortium, WUR and TNO (Dutch   physicochemical behaviour of sugar   can also be used for detection of
            contract research organisation) are   and sweeteners in baked foods as   other (surface) defects.
            working to develop a personalised   well as their interaction with other
            food production system based on 3D   ingredients in the formulation, such as
            printing. The system now being   starches, proteins and fi bre. However,
            developed, will allow personalised   implementing this complex     FOR MORE INFORMATION        →
            food products to be made at any   knowledge with other practical
            time, based on individual dietary   requirements, like nutritional and
            requirements. This individualised food   labelling aspects, into working recipes
            production such as this will be   is not without complications. Hence,
            reproduced in real-life studies to   WUR developed a digital
            enhance the performance of military   reformulation tool  using a

             1. Jerome, Rifna E., Sushil K. Singh, and Madhuresh Dwivedi. "Process
               analytical technology for bakery industry: A review." Journal of Food
               Process Engineering 42.5 (2019): e13143.

             2. Rovito, M. Smart Manufacturing: The Future of Making Is Digital, Redshift   Martijn Noort
               April 4, 2022  Wageningen Food & Biobased
             3.  E:
               biobased-research/Solutions/Healthy-clean-label-foods/Digital-Sugar-  W:

            BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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