Page 22 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 22

        22    AUTOMATION/AI

            “Smart baking has the potential                                   with the acceptance that some
                                                                              disruption to existing working
            to improve both output                                            practices will have to be endured and
                                                                              seen as an investment for the future
            performance of the entire bakery                                  whilst managing collateral damage to
                                                                              existing working practices/
            plant and its research and                                        productivity that may occur during
            development operations.”                                          upgrade.

                                                                              Key smart manufacturing
                                                                              techniques for baking
            smart baking system allows for   Despite the availability of smart   Here we drill down a little further into
            process control which is based on   processing equipment, uptake in the   some of smart manufacturing
            product properties, rather than   industry continues to be slow with   techniques and technologies:-
            parameters such as temperature and   technology readiness levels varying
            relative humidity.               and the reliability and robustness of   1. PAT technology-based sensing of
                                             actual process conditions being in   baking and baked products.
            For example, the sensing technologies   need of improvement. Integration   •  As described above, this is a major
            presented below have the potential to   with the company’s data     constituent of smart baking, which
            deliver real-time information on material   management control systems and   can record a wide variety of critical
            and product properties enabling more   decision support tools can also   parameters for the baking process
            informed adjustments in variations of   present obstacles that prevent   (Fig. 2).
            raw materials instead of relying on   upgrading.  Finally, trust in new
            off -line and laboratory analyses of   technology is vital, requiring the   •  In particular, a PAT system carries
            fi nished products. Signifi cant   involvement of all relevant      out an assessment of incoming
            improvements in effi  ciencies and   management personnel in the    ingredients, such as fl our, and
            product quality can, therefore, be   company to adopt a clear vision of   reports chemical properties such as
            enjoyed across the entire production   the long-term benefi ts of   moisture, protein and gluten
            chain from plant to consumer.    modernisation of this nature along   content. It can also monitor

              Figure 2: A summary of diff  erent steps of baking process and where process analytical technologies can be implemented to
              monitor critical parameters.

                   Flour and other   Mixing          Fermentation       Baking            Baked product
                   raw ingredients                                                        quality analysis
                      •Flour quality  •Mixing time   •Pore size          •Browning index    •Cellular
                      •Moisture       •Viscoelasticity  •CO 2 production  •Size and shape   structure
                      content         •Air nuclei    •Dough consistency  •Volume            •Texture
                      •Gluten and     •Water flour   •Bubble growth      •Temperature       •Browning index
                      starch fraction  interaction   •Bubble anisotropy   •Time
                         Sensing        Sensing           Sensing          Sensing            Sensing
                         technologies   technologies      technologies     technologies       technologies
                         •  Optical     •  Optical        •  Acoustic      •  Optical         •  X-ray
                           spectroscopy   spectroscopy    •  X-ray           spectroscopy     •  Ultrasound
                           near-infrared  near-infrared   •  Hyperspectral   near-infrared    •  Color imaging
                                                                           •  Colour imaging  •  Hyperspectral
                                                                           •  3D imaging
                                                                           •  Temperature

            BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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