Page 17 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 17

                                                                                           MEDICINAL HERBS    17

            “Culinary medicine is being described as a

            new evidence-based fi eld in medicine that

            blends the art of food and cooking with the

            science of medicine.”

            subulatum), Coriander (Coriandrum   health benefi ts of typical dietary   the safety profi les of some, but has
            sativum), Turmeric (Curcuma longa)   items. John La Puma MD cites studies   not produced strong evidence
            and Ginger (Zingiber offi  cinale), for   in support of allowing chopped garlic   regarding practitioner prescribing and
            the role they can play in the    to rest for ten minutes before   eff ectiveness.
            prevention and management of     cooking, to allow its allicin and
            heart disease.                   thiosulfi nate levels to rise, thus   European harmonisation of local
                                             improving the antiplatelet       pragmatic measures to ensure the
            They concluded that more complete   aggregation benefi ts which help to   safety of available herbal medicines
            information is needed about the   keep the blood thin and fl owing. He   appeared in the EU Directive on
            actual exposures to these dietary   also provides evidence for the   Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products
            components that are required to   practice of some Asian patients who   which applies to manufactured herbal
            bring about a response. More     have consulted me, who take the   medicinal products sold over the
            rigorous clinical trials at normal levels   above stated lower dose of turmeric   counter and prohibits the continued
            of consumption are needed to     daily for their health in combination   sale of unlicensed products.
            determine long-term benefi ts, as well   with a fat – in this case yoghourt   Unfortunately, these products,
            as to assess adverse eff ects if taken at   – and with a pinch of black pepper to   manufactured without a licence
            higher concentrations, especially if   improve the otherwise very low   under the scheme, are very limited in
            consumed over longer periods. For   bioavailability of the cucurminoids   scope and represent only a fraction of
            the sake of comparison, the dosage   and maximise anti-infl ammatory, liver-  the preparations herbalists actually
            range of such herbal medicines in   stimulating and improved gut   make and sell. Brexit has, of course,
            therapeutic quantities, taken from a   function eff ects.         since separated us from Europe and it
            repository of current practice                                    is currently a moot point as to
            knowledge among UK herbalists,   Of course, breads and baked goods   whether this and other European laws
            might be stated: green cardamom   with full therapeutic quantities of   will continue to apply in the UK.
            (Elettaria cardamomum), similar to   culinary herbs and spices determined
            greater cardamom, 250mg-6g/day;   by the evidence of clinical trials   Baked goods can contain well-known
            coriander 1-30g/day; turmeric 4g 1-2   would inevitably test the boundary   medicinal herbs and spices in safe
            times daily; ginger, dried 0.75-3g/  between food and medicine. This has   levels and it is undoubtedly the case
            day, fresh 1.5-9g/day.           been a disputed area since the   that these ingredients confer health
                                             popularity of herbal medicines, along   benefi ts and can do so on an ongoing
            These are wide ranges which can   with other complementary modalities,   basis, little and often over a lifetime.
            easily cover the quantity of these   was revived in the 1980s and 1990s.   What other herbal medicines may be
            spices included in current bread   There was a fear that herbal   of benefi t in the future, to be
            recipes and which point to       medicines would end up being     incorporated into breads and cakes
            therapeutic benefi ts when consumed   labelled as foods rather than   that may claim to confer health
            in a normal diet over long periods.   medicinal substances. Funded   benefi ts? Some possibilities have had
            Studies can also be used to identify   research has explored herbs as a   to be ruled out on the grounds of
            simple adaptations to maximise the   source for drugs and has documented   safety and of taste.

                                                                                       BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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