Page 20 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 20

        20    AUTOMATION/AI

            ARE YOU A

             SMART COOKIE?

            Smart manufacturing for baking

            Written by:

                       Puneet Mishra                Martijntje Vollebregt              Martijn Noort
                       Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands

                 he baking industry provides   Efficiency of bakeries         properties such as dimension, volume
                 consumers with a wide variety   Modern bakeries are already   and colour.
                 of high quality, freshly baked   optimised by design, producing high
            goods which make up an important   quality baked goods relying on   Technological solutions are currently
            part of our daily diet. Their production   generally efficient resource utilisation   available that will improve
            is optimised for cost, labour and   of raw materials such as labour,   streamlining and optimise
            resource efficiency, however, it is no   energy, or water, etc.). However, at   productivity, energy use, waste
            secret that the bakery industry faces   the time of writing, the increased cost   streams and product loss which will
            enormous economic and societal   of wheat and energy threatens the   help to retain market sustainability
            obstacles, such as the current wheat   affordability of a loaf of bread.   and competitiveness.
            and                              Optimising the efficiency of a bakery
            energy crises which pose tough   plant is relatively straight-forward,   As with other sectors of the food
            challenges for an industry strongly   relying on mechanisation and   industry, the industrial baking is very
            dependent on these crops, not to   automation to increase productivity   much affected by sudden changes in
            mention an energy intensive baking   whilst keeping manual labour and,   consumer demand and societal
            process itself.                  therefore, human error to a minimum.   changes. For example, addressing
                                             This streamlining process is usually   sugar reduction is a very significant
            In this article, experts at Wageningen   achieved by improving the   challenge for a bakery producing
            University & Research (WUR) explore   measurement and control of key   sweet baked goods, an issue that
            the opportunities that ‘smart    process parameters that affect   cannot always be resolved easily,
            manufacturing’ offer by improving the   product quality, in combination with   whereas the product developer can
            control and (resource) efficiency of   both in-line and off-line measurement   have access to digital tools to make
            baking machinery.                of important product quality     improvements. The adoption of smart

            BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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