Page 23 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 23

                                                                                             AUTOMATION/AI    23

              complex parameters such as     “Near-infrared spectroscopy
              viscoelasticity, air nuclei during the
              mixing, pore size, gas production   and ultrasound acoustics can
              during fermentation, the browning
              (Maillard) index during baking   determine the protein content
              through to the assessment of the
              fi nal baked product quality in terms   and several other properties in
              of colour, texture and cell structure. 1
              Away from sensor technologies, the   fl our, with great precision.”
              advanced benefi ts of PAT include
              product quality by design, which is
              highly resource effi  cient and is   can be used to steer the production   aim of minimising resource usage
              compatible with continuous       process as a whole.              and maximising profi t for the baker,
              automated baking lines.                                           without compromising product
                                             3. Artifi cial intelligence and machine   quality. The design of a baking
            2. Automation and robotics         learning (AI/ML)                 concept may involve the use of
            •  Automation of various unit    •  AI/ML application represents the   diff erent simulation tools as well as
              operations during baking can allow   backbone of smart baking allowing   virtual and augmented reality
              processes to be less dependent on   plant managers to make sense of   concepts.
              user input. This is of particular   the large amount of data generated
              importance when the aim is to have   continuously during the complete   5. Additive manufacturing / 3D
              a high level of agility in the baking   manufacturing cycle and therefore,   printing
              process, such as at smaller bakery   play a major role in designing   •  Additive manufacturing, also called
              sites with a wide assortment of   customised, automated robotic   3D printing, provides new
              products. Some advanced          systems. Since the cost of       opportunities to manufacture
              concepts such as baking on       computing devices has reduced    bakery products in a fully digitised
              demand will allow the consumer to   signifi cantly compared to a decade   fashion. For example, it uses an
              customise their bakery products.   ago, wide adoption of AI/ML    extrusion system to build a food
              Automation and robotics have     embedded systems has become an   product layer by layer based on
              strong links with PAT based sensing   essential component of smart   digital information directing its
              approaches and other smart       manufacturing and connects well   shape, size and composition,
              manufacturing techniques, such as   with other similar concepts such as   allowing increased fl exibility and
              cloud computing and virtual/     cloud computing, augmented and   subsequent production of
              augmented reality, as the input   virtual reality to produce the smart   customised or personalised bakery
              from all these can support the   factory concept.                 products, as well as production on
              automated and robotics systems to                                 demand. Eventually, 3D printing will
              learn and optimise the production   4. Design of baking facilities/digital   enable the manufacture of products
              process.                         twins                            with personalised nutrition and
                                             •  Baking design is a new concept   allow consumers to design and
            •  Currently, some bakers are using   which aims to explore and develop   order their own baked items by
              automation and robotics systems in   virtual baking processes and   interacting with the artifi cially
              diff erent manufacturing sites,   products (so-called “digital twins”)   intelligent system for additive
              however, however, the lack of    with the use of advanced simulation   manufacturing. This process could
              interconnectivity between them is   through a set of design choices and   also be used to accelerate
              often lacking within the         principles. For example,         prototyping for the development of
              infrastructure of smart baking. If   Wageningen University & Research   new bakery products.
              automation and robotics combined   has a tool which allows for the
              with PAT based real-time sensing is   virtual design of food products that   Controlling the baking process
              implemented across all sites, a   requires sugar replacement.  The   Smart manufacturing technologies
              more continuous united baking    aim of design in baking is usually to   provide input for control of the
              process, using the date feedback   develop specifi c manufacturing   operations within a bakery. For
              from diff erent PAT sensing systems   processes and products with the   instance, near-infrared spectroscopy

                                                                                       BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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