Page 27 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 27

                                                                                     ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE  27

                                                                              save money by creating a more
                                                                              detailed plan of their future revenue
                                                                              which will allow them to better deploy
                                                                              potentially scarce personnel
                                                                              resources for the all important
                                                                              customer care at the counter, a model
                                                                              that is adaptable whatever the size of

                                                                              The proof is in the pudding –
                                                                              In light of global concerns over
                                                                              sustainability, there has never been a
                                                                              better time to innovate. The bakery
                                                                              sector is characterised by traditional
                                                                              communication channels, which
                                                                              consumers value highly, but they
                                                                              would also value a bakery where
                                                                              resources are being saved or used
                                                                              more efficiently. This not only reflects
                                                                              the ideals of the consumer but also
                                                                              those of a baker who could enjoy
            the baker invests in the products   such example is the start-up,   increased sales and reduced costs,
            made.                            foodforecast. The company has    thanks the latest technology.
                                             developed an artificial intelligence   Ultimately, this should lead to a
            Source: A survey was carried out on a   that creates an accurate sales forecast   win-win situation with improved
            business to business, social media   for a bakery so that it only produces   sustainability benefitting those on
            platform involving hundreds of CEOs   products that are actually in demand.   both sides of the counter and
            from small and medium sized      The backbone of the device is a   increased competitiveness of the
            enterprises to establish views on   self-learning algorithm which is fed   bakery in the long term.
            resolving the dilemma outlined   with data and “trained” – i.e. loaded
            above. Feedback from the study   with historical sales figures of the
            revealed that losses suffered through   bakery branch as well as external data
            returns in this way were largely due to   such as public holidays, weather and
            inefficiencies in forecasting and that   vacations. By recognising patterns on
            artificial intelligence (AI) solutions   its own, the algorithm can then draw
            could, if implemented, help to solve   conclusions that are presented in the
            this issue with a view to both   form of a sales forecast.
            reducing financial loss and improving
            sustainability.                  Software solutions such as this can
                                             significantly reduce bakeries' return
            Artificial intelligence is the key to   rates by up to 30% on average. The
            intelligent production           remarkable properties of this software
            Intelligent software systems can help   solution are that it actively saves   Contact details
            to better coordinate and plan ahead   resources and is not merely another   Claudia Päffgen
            for production and importantly,   way to avoid waste or deal with    Marketing and Business
            significantly reduce the rate of   surplus baked goods, but also     Development Manager
            returns. The need for innovation   prevents the resources themselves   Foodforecast
            drives change and so it is perhaps   from being wasted, thereby,
            unsurprising that many young     promising sustainability on all levels.   E: Claudia.paeffgen@
            companies and start-ups in particular,   In times of rising raw material and
            have taken up this challenge. One   energy costs, bakeries can actively

                                                                                       BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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