Page 30 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 30


            biological pesticides and fertilisers.   use of by-products such as bran, husk   fl atbreads is gradually reducing and
            Consumers perceive organic       and peels as a source of fi bre, protein   being replaced by environmentally
            products as environmentally friendly   and minerals is increasing as it   friendly packaging (from recyclable
            and generally pay more for fl atbreads   benefi ts health and reduces agro-  and reusable materials) to reduce
            labeled organic. Regenerative    industrial wastes without hampering   waste and CO  footprint to the
            agriculture techniques are also   the texture and pliability of fl atbreads.   benefi t circular economy. All these
            increasingly employed to protect and                              practices contribute at diff erent levels
            improve soil health and fertility. The   The use of plastic in packaging   to achieving sustainable development
            “Gluten-free fl atbreads                                           Food for a modern, busy world
                                                                              The demand for on-the-go and easy
            are starting to be seen as                                        to prepare products boosted the
                                                                              market for fl atbreads due to their
            mainstream products since                                         suitability for modern, busy lifestyles.

            they are not only consumed by                                     Flatbreads can be bought from
                                                                              supermarkets, trains or airplanes as a
            people with adverse reactions                                     snack or instead of a meal. They come
                                                                              in various fl avours and off er
            to gluten, but also by people                                     consumers a myriad of choices. This
                                                                              versatility is attributed to the use of a
            adopting a gluten-free diet as a                                  portfolio of ingredients to improve the
                                                                              nutritional value of fl atbreads and to
            healthier lifestyle choice.”                                      provide versatile products in response
                                                                              to consumers’ dietary needs (e.g.,

            BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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