Page 34 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 34


            organic acids, which give sourdough   Recent studies show that consumers   modern concept of probiotics, which
            its notable “tart” fl avour and carbon   perceive foods free of artifi cial   are defi ned by the World Health
            dioxide, which causes the dough to   preservatives to be more desirable in   Organization as a “live microorganism
            rise during proving. The         terms of taste, nutritional quality and   which, when administered in
            microorganisms of the starter culture   safety.  Broadly speaking, consumers   adequate amounts, confers a health
            also produce volatile metabolites   associate sourdough bread with   benefi t to the host.” Recently,
            such as alcohols, aldehydes, ketones,   healthiness, particularly in reference   researchers from Stanford University
            esters and terpenes, which can be   to gut health. 4              demonstrated that a mere 10 week
            detected in the fi nal product as                                 diet rich in fermented foods
            unique fl avours and aromas.     Health benefi ts of fermented foods  signifi cantly increased the diversity of
                                             The perceptions of the healthiness of   microorganisms in the digestive tract
            From a consumer perspective,     sourdough make up a small part of a   of the individuals in the study and
            sourdough is often viewed favourably   larger conversation about the health   signifi cantly decreased markers of
            due to its stability and association   benefi ts of fermented foods which   infl ammation, supporting the idea
            with other healthy fermented food   was fi rst formally hypothesised by   that fermented foods are benefi cial
            products. The presence of lactic acid   Russian biologist Ilya Mechnikov who   for human health. 6
            bacteria in sourdough starter cultures   observed that frequent consumption
            results in the production of a low pH   of soured, or fermented milks in   While it is tempting to attribute the
            product and a variety of natural   certain populations seemed to   health benefi ts all fermented foods to
            antifungal compounds, reducing the   contribute to longer lifespans than   their probiotic populations, some
            need for sourdough breads to be   those that avoided or abstained. 5  fermented foods do not contain these
            produced with artifi cial preservatives.   Over time, this gave rise to the   live, active cultures in their fi nal form

            “Researchers from Stanford University

            demonstrated that a mere 10 week diet rich
            in fermented foods signifi cantly increased the

            diversity of microorganisms in the digestive tract

            of the individuals in the study and signifi cantly

            decreased markers of infl ammation.”

            BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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