Page 32 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 32


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            THE FUTURE

            How the ancient technology of

            sourdough might alleviate problems

            with gut health

            Written by:

                                                  Charlene Van Buiten, PhD
                      Assistant Professor, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Colorado State University

                      y 50-pound (22.6kg) bag   ranking third for recipes overall. 2  What is sourdough bread?
                      of fl our is gone. My sanity   Despite this surge in popularity being   Sourdough bread is made by the
                      remains,” wrote New York   relatively recent, sourdough has   fermentation of dough by
                      Times Opinion Columnist   ancient origins with decades of   microorganisms found naturally in
            Farhad Manjoo in late 2020.  Manjoo,   scientifi c research being dedicated to   fl our and the surrounding
            like many others around the world,   its unique properties in relation to   environment where the dough is
            had spent many months in pandemic-  food preservation and human health.   made. These communities of
            induced isolation learning a new skill:   Now, sourdough fermentation is   microorganisms, known colloquially
            how to make bread. In fact, of the ten   being investigated for its   as a “starter culture”, comprise
            most searched recipes on the internet   eff ectiveness in creating food   complex consortia of bacteria and
            in 2020, six were for various types of   products that are safe for individuals   yeasts which can be maintained for
            bread, with sourdough notably being   with coeliac disease and other gluten   long periods of time sustained by
            the most often searched recipe and   sensitivities.               regular “feedings” of fl our and water.

            “Broadly speaking, consumers associate

            sourdough bread with healthfulness, particularly

            in reference to gut health.”

            BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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