Page 33 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 33

                                                                         GLUTEN SENSITIVITY AND SOURDOUGH     33

            The maintenance of such a starter   version, where single-use yeast strains   sourdough starter culture ferment
            culture allows for repeated use of the   are used to produce conventional   simple sugars from the dough, they
            same culture to inoculate new    bread dough.                     produce compounds which
            batches of dough to bake more                                     contribute functional characteristics
            bread, in contrast to the freeze-dried   As the microorganisms in the   to the bread and dough, including

                                                                          I In nt te er re es st te ed d t to o   Watch the
                                                                                                       Watch the
                                                                                                      Pinsa video
                                                                                                      Pinsa video
                                                                    p pr ro od du uc ce e P Pi in ns sa a? ?
         Specialists in food processing equipment

                                                         E Effffeeccttiivvee && pprrooffiittaabbllee

                                                         b brreeaadd pprroodduuccttiioonn

                                                              Modular concept       Wide product variety produits
                                                              Excellent dough quality

                                               INNOVATIVE PRODUCTION LINES FOR
              BREAD      FLATBREAD       LAMINATED DOUGH       PASTRY       CROISSANT       PIZZA       PIE/QUICHE
   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38