Page 29 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 29

                                                                                   WHAT ABOUT FLATBREADS?     29

            Health and nutrition             interest, especially those derived from   Flatbreads and sustainability
            The demand for healthier flatbread   plants, as consumers believe that   Sustainability-minded consumers
            choices continues to grow as the   plant-based diets (vegan and   expect manufacturers to be up-front
            trend for healthy eating continues to   vegetarian) are healthier options. 3  about planet-friendly credentials,
            gain traction in the food sector.                                 sustainability and recycling
            Flatbreads are perceived by many   The demand for vegan flatbreads   specifications. The production chain
            consumers as healthy breads,     accelerated during the pandemic due   of flatbreads is increasingly using
            however, in some case they are high   to increased concerns over human   sustainable crops and re-using its
            in fat, sugar, carbohydrates and salt   and planet health. Although the   by-products. Relying on locally grown
            and therefore for label-readers, claims   vegan and vegetarian market are still   crops to make flatbreads plays a
            related to the absence or reduction in   relatively niche, flexitarians are a   pivotal role in sustainable economic
            fat, salt, carb or sugar, are attractive   bigger audience interested in   development, it contributes to the
            and help to persuade people to buy.   plant-based related claims.   reduction of greenhouse gas
                                                                              emissions and CO  footprint and
            Also, consumers are more aware of   Furthermore, gluten-free flatbreads   benefits the local economy due to the
            the list of ingredients and associate   are starting to be seen as mainstream   reduction in cost and energy of
            healthiness with the absence of   products since they are not only   transport. During this year, the price
            additive and preservatives. As a result,   consumed by people with adverse   of cereals has spiked worldwide due
            companies are incorporating more   reactions to gluten, but also by   to Russia's invasion of Ukraine and
            proteins, fibres, pulses, vegetables,   people adopting a gluten-free diet    thus the use of local sources could
            seeds and whole or sprouted grains.   as a healthier lifestyle choice.    help in controlling the cost of such an
            Wholegrain and fibre ingredients are   Great nutritional progress has    unexpected crisis.
            promoted for their health benefits   been achieved through improving
            (e.g., weight management and satiety   the formulation of gluten-free   Organic farming is associated with a
            and lowering the risk of hypertension   products by reducing starchy   lower impact on the environment due
            and diabetes).  Claims relating to   ingredients and incorporating    to the reduced use of chemicals
            protein enrichment are also receiving   more proteins and fibres.  which are replaced by ecological and

                                                                                       BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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