Page 26 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 26



            How artificial intelligence

            can improve sustainability

            Written by:

                                     Claudia Päffgen
                   Marketing and Business Development Manager, Foodforecast

                      onsumers are increasingly   procurement, optimisation of   stocked shelves and counters until
                     demanding sustainable   technical processes to save energy   closing time which regrettably leads
                      products from their    (such as the use of renewable    to a correspondingly high level of
                     suppliers when shopping   resources), waste avoidance through   unsold items or returns.
            for food as the storm that is the   reuse, deliveries by electric vehicles
            environmental and climate change   or other innovative ideas for reusing   Such returns can be as high as 19%
            crisis escalates. Their visits to the   surplus goods.  It is far more likely that   and result in the losses of thousands
            bakery store now involve much closer   a baker promoting their new solar   of tonnes of product over a year and
            scrutiny of not only the ingredients   panels or new energy efficient   consequential financial losses. For
            list but also deeper consideration for   production (such as AI) “to save the   example, in Germany, bakery returns
            regional, seasonal and as far as   planet” will attract considerably more   have been recorded as reaching
            possible, climate-friendly products   attention, increase sales and goodwill.  600,000 tonnes every year. This
            that have a transparent supply chain,                             equates to an average value of
            or traceability the origins/     Counting the cost of high returns   €65,000 Euros worth of food per
            procurement of raw materials.    Unfortunately, however, it is a fact of   bakery outlet, per annum that has to
                                             life that the average consumer is not   be disposed of. This is a loss that
            Bakery owners are happy to       always consistent or indeed radical in   hurts the bakery both economically
            accommodate these demands, of    his/her demands. For example, the   and emotionally, but also one that
            course, but realise that they ignore   demand for sustainably produced   comes at the expense of the
            them at their peril and need to make   baked goods is at odds with that of   environment, resources and,
            the effort to embrace the challenge   freshness and variety of favourite   therefore, future generations.
            by intelligent adaptation of their   products being available at all times,
            product lines and marketing strategy   even shortly before closing time.   High wastage and returns fly in the
            accordingly.                     Smaller bakeries do not have the   face of all that is “planet saving” and
                                             financial clout nor resources to   the entire principle of sustainability
            Standing head and shoulders above   compete with increasing competitive   and furthermore, this level of return
            the crowd means getting their    pressure from supermarket bakeries   results in an unnecessary waste of
            messages across on sustainable   and cannot simply ignore these   resources and an avoidable financial
            ideals; examples which may include:   demands so feel compelled to   loss for the bakery concerned,
            regional production and raw material   comply. The result is often fully   compounded by the time and effort

            BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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