Page 21 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 21

                                                                                             AUTOMATION/AI    21

            “Sugar reduction is a very signifi cant challenge for
            a bakery producing sweet baked goods.”

            manufacturing practices in both   in-line spectroscopy, spectral imaging   can be used to help control or change
            bakeries and their supply chains,   and chromatography, thereby   processes to enable manufacturers to
            off ers important advantages to   allowing for real-time access to   adapt more easily to changes in the
            increasing the resilience of the sector   physicochemical parameters of   industry.
            enabling it to better prepare for the   baking processes and baked
            future, which may include        products. In this way smart baking   One major barrier to the
            contingencies for unprecedented   has the potential to improve both   implementation of new technology,
            events and global challenges.    output performance of the entire   however, is the perception of its
                                             bakery plant and its research and   prohibitively high set up costs, when
            Smart manufacturing              development operations           perhaps a carefully planned, staged,
            Smart manufacturing for baking                                    strategic investment programme
            (Smart baking) can be considered a   Smart baking, like smart     would yield an much more
            novel combination of leveraging   manufacturing , can, essentially be   encouraging ROI over a longer term.
            Industry 4.0 concepts together with   described as the digitisation of the
            process analytical technologies (PAT)   baking process at all levels from   The fi rst step towards smart baking is
            already used widely for product   product design, supply chain,   to swap analogue based systems for
            quality and process assessment in, for   production and distribution, through   digital equivalents, to enable the data
            example, the pharmaceutical industry.   to sales activities. This enables bakers   to be more accessible and more
            Industry 4.0 methodologies (Fig. 1)   to have access to rich, detailed data   quickly; this may include advanced
            are designed to achieve a data-rich,   of each step of a baking process for   technology such as sensors, robotics
            interconnected and highly automated   subsequent analysis and processing   and augmented reality.
            form of baking using PAT, which   through the use of advanced data
            includes the implementation of   modelling technology, such as    Improved process controls
            advanced sensing facilities such as   artifi cial intelligence (AI). This data   The underlying technology driving a

              Figure 1: A schematic image depicting the Industry 4.0 data-rich, interconnected and highly automated form of smart

                                                                                       BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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