Page 16 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 16

        16    MEDICINAL HERBS

            The health benefi ts of


            WITH HERBS

            Written by:
                                                                              practitioners of the Greco-Arabic
                                                                              herbal medical tradition in Asia that
                                                                              over millennia we have become
                                                                              accustomed to consuming certain
                                                                              medicinal plants in our diet and no
                                                                              longer experience the more palpable
                                                                              eff ect on the system that a less
                                                                              familiar and more treatment-specifi c
                                  Dr Graeme Tobyn, PhD.                       herb might induce when taken to
                               University of Central Lancashire               remedy a particular complaint.

                                                                              This does not diminish their healing
                    sing herbal ingredients in   fennel seeds I enjoyed when visiting   potential: specifi c to each herb or
                    bread and other baked    the region.                      spice, beyond their aid to digestion,
                    goods is nothing new and                                  are many potential benefi ts to health
                    already well established. A   Perhaps the medicinal value of such   and wellbeing that are only now being
            quick scan of the internet brings up   products is not as well appreciated as   explored.
            many herbs and spices which are   it should be? If such ingredients are
            already added to bread in traditional   so commonly found in products you   Culinary medicine is being described
            style or novel creation, from rosemary   might fi nd in a café or at the dining   as a new evidence-based fi eld in
            focaccia and gingerbread to      table, you might be forgiven for   medicine that blends the art of food
            Borodinsky rye bread with coriander   thinking they that they only   and cooking with the science of
            seed or cornbread with jalapenos.   contribute to taste and do not have   medicine. In a study from 2017 on the
                                             any therapeutic eff ect. Culinary herbs   therapeutic potential of spices in
            Personal favourites of mine include   and spices are aromatic on account   cardiovascular health, the authors
            the light rye bread with caraway,   of their volatile oil content. These oils   systematically searched the literature
            which I purchased from Jewish    help to relax the gut and aid the   and identifi ed recent scientifi c
            bakeries when I lived in London and   digestion of the food they are added   fi ndings on four common spices viz.
            the Southern Italian biscuits with   to. I have encountered the view from   Greater cardamom (Amomum

            “Culinary herbs and spices are aromatic on

            account of their volatile oil content. These oils

            help to relax the gut and aid the digestion of

            the food they are added to.”

            BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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