Page 14 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 14


                                                                              definition, but only at each country’s
                                                                              discretion (FAO, 2009).

                                                                              Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and
                                                                              galactooligosaccharides (GOS) are
                                                                              resistant to human enzymes, the
                                                                              acidic environment of the stomach
                                                                              and also intestinal absorption (Figure
                                                                              1). These oligosaccharides can be
                                                                              fermented by the intestinal microflora
                                                                              and selectively stimulate the growth
                                                                              and/or activity of bacteria which
                                                                              contribute to the welfare and health
            reduces the risk of non-         monosaccharides and polyols), which   of the host.
            communicable diseases such as    may be avoided by those with certain
            diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular   gastrointestinal conditions, such as   The main benefit of using
            disease and colorectal cancer    irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).   oligosaccharides is that they generally
            (McKeown et al., 2022), but current   Ideally, a bulk sugar replacer would   come from plants, so are perceived as
            intakes (~19 g/day) are well below the   not have these drawbacks.  being a healthier option than artificial
            recommended 30 g/day. Bulk sugar                                  additives, easing acceptance by the
            replacements are generally less sweet   Oligosaccharides as replacements  general public. Most are likely to be
            than sucrose, requiring the addition of   An oligosaccharide is a short-chain   tasteless, with little or no sweetness,
            a high-intensity sweetener. Some of   sugar molecule containing a limited   due to being larger molecules than
            the bulk sugar replacements cause   number of monosaccharide molecules.   sucrose. They are also easy to use,
            gastrointestinal symptoms due to   The Codex Alimentarius defines   relatively easy to obtain and may
            osmosis or excessive gut fermentation   dietary fibre as carbohydrate polymers   undergo the Maillard reaction, but at
            (Wiebe et al., 2011; Grembecka,   of 10 or more linked monomeric units.   a much lower level.
            2015). These are considered to be   Oligosaccharides containing 3 to 9
            FODMAPS (fermentable             linked monosaccharide units were   The main disadvantage of using
            oligosaccharides, disaccharides,   also included in the dietary fibre   oligosaccharides such as FOS

              Figure 1: Fructooligosaccharides (a) and galactooligosaccharide (b), consisting of β-D-galactopyranose (β-D-Galp) and
              D-glucopyranose (D-Glcp), typically with n = 1-5

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