Page 13 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 13

                                                                                        SUGAR REPLACEMENT     13

            sugar content by its substitution with   Table 1: Artifi cial sweeteners with aftertastes
            high-intensity sweeteners include   Artifi cial sweeteners  Off   taste or after-taste
            reduced overall product volume and
            weight, there are still several other   Acesulfame Potassium (Ace-K)  Slightly bitter after-taste
            factors that need to be considered in
            order to achieve a successfully   Advantame               Very slight bitter taste, sour fl avour
            reformulated recipe.              Neotame                 Liquorice after-taste at high concentrations

            Firstly, some such sweeteners often   Saccharin           Bitter / metallic after-taste
            leave a bitter after-taste (Table 1).   Cyclamate         Weak metallic and salty after-taste
            Secondly, their chemical make-up
            prevents the Maillard reaction taking
            place during heating due to their heat   they were initially accepted before   2015; GOV.UK, 2017).
            stability and that they are neither   being withdrawn later due to
            reducing sugars nor are they present   cyclamate mixtures with saccharin   Reformulation options: Reduce
            in suffi  cient quantities (Lucas and   being seen to cause cancer following   sugar and replace it with a bulk
            Kuznesof, 2004). Thirdly, some are   studies in rats. However, subsequent   sugar replacement
            considered by some consumers to be   human studies failed to confi rm these   Bulk sugar replacements are generally
            artifi cial or synthetic and, therefore,   fi ndings (Morrison et al., 1982).   sugar alcohols or partially digestible
            not acceptable for consumption.   Finally, they are not all stable under   oligo/polysaccharides that can be
            Fourthly, some have a controversial   the preparation conditions used in   considered as dietary fi bre. Studies
            history, such as cyclamate, where   food manufacturing (Tedstone et al.,   have shown high dietary fi bre intake

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                                                                    Q Quuaalliittyy iinn KKnnoowwlleeddggee

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