Page 8 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 8

         8    ENSET FRUIT

            In search of a secure food supply?

            THIS COULD BE

            TOP BANANA!

            Written by:

                                                     Richard Henderson
                                                  Sub-editor, Baking Europe

                         hat are the Highlands   that can be eaten. According to one   in various forms, the three main local
                        most famous for? The   research paper, titled, The Tree   dishes being – kocho, bulla and
                        Loch Ness Monster or   Against Hunger, “enset is very likely   amicho.
                       Ben Nevis, maybe? No,   the most unstudied domesticated
            the answer is coff ee. I am not talking   crop in Africa.”  1     The pulp of the roots and leaf sheaths
            about the Scottish Highlands, but                                 are fermented underground for four
            rather those in Ethiopia. The story of   So, in a time when food might be   to six months to make kocho. Spices
            how coff ee became such an       scarce for a number of reasons:   and butter are added and the
            important part of Western culture   climatic conditions, geo-political   resulting mixture is shaped into small
            traces its origins all the way back to   tensions or infl ationary eff ects on   discs, it is then baked. Bulla is
            the place from where it was fi rst   price, the fact that 60 enset plants   harvested from fully matured plants
            exported, the medieval Kingdom of   might to be able to feed a family of   and is used in soups and porridges; it
            Kaff a (sounds like coff ee for a good   fi ve for a year, suggests we should   can even be used to make pancakes.
            reason), located on the ‘Roof of the   perhaps fi nd out more. 2  Amicho is the boiled root and is
            Africa’, in the Ethiopian Highlands.                              similar to the familiar potato.
            But although we are all familiar with   Despite its short name, the enset is
            coff ee, I doubt the same can be said   anything but in terms of stature, it’s as   Furthermore, it’s not just the human
            for the enset plant, a little known   tall as a house and lives for 10-12   population that can benefi t: the
            relative of the banana that is native to   years. During this time several   leaves of the tree can be given to
            the region, but rather than the fruit it   hundred kilos of starchy vegetable   livestock as animal fodder and it can
            is the trunk and root underground   like tissue can be harvested and eaten   also be used in packaging. 1

            “Enset is very likely the most unstudied

            domesticated crop in Africa.”

            BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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