Page 3 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 3


                                                                                        WINTER 2022/2023
            7 Foreword                       20 Smart baking
                                             Being smart sets you apart. More than
             FEATURES                        ever food manufacturers are looking   11
                                             to streamline every aspect of the food
            8 The Enset                      making process. Discover how smart
            As food security is currently under the   baking can create and optimise
            spotlight, perhaps a little known food   demand and supply data.
            native to Africa is worthy of
            investigation?                   26 Improved sustainability
                                             Make friends with robotics and your
            11 Sugar replacements            products will be friendly with the
            Taste not want not – don’t risk losing   environment.
            customers by getting reformulation
            wrong.  Surrey University studies   28 I feel the knead for speed!
            reveal a sweet spot – or two.    Flatbreads are great food on-the-go
                                             and as the market rises fi nd out how it
            16 Lancashire University         continues to off er new innovations to
            Sage advice: baking with herbs   consumers
            has many well-known health
            benefi ts, but are there new      39 Food unwrapped
            ingredients to be found off  the   Modern food packaging may lead to
            beaten baking track?             less environmental pollution, but could
                                             it also be contaminating our food?



                                                                                       BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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