Page 7 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 7

Baking Europe celebrating                                                     FOREWORD
                                                                                          WINTER 2022/2023     7
                  1  YEARS

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                   Welcome to the Winter 2022/2023 edition of Baking Europe journal.

                 ou may have noticed that the   As our celebratory year commences,   project on the use of hydrogen
                 winter edition of our journal is   therefore, I am delighted to see a   energy, with Professor Charles
               now being published in the new   plethora of remarkable creativity and   Spence Oxford University providing
              year instead of late December.   innovation emanating from our   us with some light reading on the
            Before you ask, yes this was an   contributing authors; the world’s top   “tactile stimulation” (Spence) of
            intended move, fi rstly from a practical   food scientists, researchers, industry   making your own bread at home that
            point of view: our authors and   professionals et al for whom I give my   increased dramatically during the last
            production staff  not having to juggle   heartfelt thanks for their hard work   two Covid ridden years.
            editorial duties and Christmas   thus far.
            arrangements and                                                  I hope you enjoy this lighter touch to
            you, our readers, can look forward   We start this edition with a special   brighten these short dark days (for
            to some stimulating and (hopefully)   feature addressing the problems of   those of you in Northern  Europe) and
            entertaining reading to lighten up   food contamination from chemical   urge you to go forth and temper the
            what some have dubbed the        migration from biobased materials   gloom that is the world news, with the
            January blues!                   followed by a project on the gut-  tastes and smells of freshly baked
                                             health benefi ts of eating sourdough   bread and confectionery.
            Well, let’s start with our own   bread. We also examine an oft
            celebration: Baking Europe Journal is   dismissed ingredient related to the
            10 years old this year! I am proud to   banana, the enset, a fruit widely eaten
            say that, thanks to my team, our   as a staple and used to make a type of
            unique publication has featured a vast   bread in east Africa that now off ers
            array of eclectic subjects over the   signifi cant potential to solve
            decade from the usual run-of-the-mill   ingredient shortages in Western
            (pun intended!) articles on      Europe and beyond.
            ingredients and process through to
            3D printed pizzas for astronauts   Elsewhere we cover more research on
            (Baking Europe summer 2018, page   sugar replacements (Surrey
            59), aerodynamically designed lorries,   university), fl atbreads – a modern
            LED lighting through to artifi cial   twist, culinary medicine that “blends
            intelligence and waste energy recovery   the art of food and cooking with the   Graham Pendred
            from ovens to name but a few.    science of medicine.”  a research            Publisher

                                                                                       BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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