Page 9 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 9

                                                                                                ENSET FRUIT    9

            Given the security of most large-scale   “Enset has a proven track record
            supply lines is currently dominating
            the headlines, enset has a proven   of alleviating food shortages in
            track record of alleviating food
            shortages in challenging times. Those   challenging times.”
            who remember the devastating
            famine in Africa during the 1980s
            might not be aware that, at a time   Aside of the general challenges faced   research could give a true indication,
            when climatic conditions were at their   in cultivating all crops, greater   though I suspect given how people
            worst, enset growing communities   challenges include shifting    around the globe are continually
            reported little to no diff erence in food   environmental conditions and the   adapting to an increasingly adverse
            security.                        declining diversity of landraces  and   environment, now might be a good
                                             perhaps unsurprisingly, climate   time for bakers to create some
            Yet, despite its resilience, the so   change is projected to substantially   innovative new products – assuming
            called ‘Tree Against Hunger’  is not   impact all agricultural systems in East   enset were widely available.
            immune to the threats faced by all   Africa. Crop yields will either reduce
            crops. Diseases such as Xanthomonas   or become more variable, resulting in   At a time when European
            (XWE)  and Cephalosporium  reduce   the need for new adaptations and   governments are actively looking to
            crop yield and Sclerotium reduces   new areas to grow in. 8       secure their supply of various
            plant growth.  XWE is mainly spread                               resources, this little-known crop has
            through cultivation tools and    Regardless of these potential barriers   the potential to off er dishes that do
            contaminated planting materials,   to cultivating enset on a large scale,   not rely on rice, wheat or maize, as a
            though it can also be transmitted by   some obvious challenges remain. As   main ingredient.
            porcupines, mole rats and warthogs. 1   well as caring for the tree, would the
            Cephalosporium and Sclerotium are   dishes described above be accepted   Speaking to the BBC in January this
            minor diseases caused by bacterial,   by the tastes of consumers across   year, Dr Borrell, an expert and
            fungal and viral pathogens. 1    Europe and beyond? Only consumer   advocate of enset said, “We need to

                                                                                       BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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