Page 11 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 11

                                                                                        SUGAR REPLACEMENT      11



            options in baked goods

            Written by:

                             Dr Ndidi Ihekwaba                                Dr Terri Grassby
                           University of Surrey, UK                        University of Surrey, UK

                   xcess intake of calories,   Why is sugar replacement needed   programme, the food industry was
                  specifically sugar (sucrose),   – policy drivers, health drivers?   recommended to adopt three
                  contributes to the poor health   Over the last few decades, there has   pathways to reduce calories:
                   of the global population. This   been a general trend of reducing the
            excess intake contributes to weight   amount of sugar present in food   1. Change products recipe.
            gain, poor dietary intake and increased   products. Most soft drink   2. Reduce portion size.
            risk of non-communicable diseases.  manufacturers have managed to   3. Encourage consumers to purchase
                                             produce lower-sugar versions of their   lower-calorie products.
            Treating obesity and its         leading products by combining sugar
            consequences costs the NHS £6.1bn   with high-intensity sweeteners to   Food sources covered by the policy
            every year and Europe €81bn every   maintain mouthfeel and sweetness   •  The calorie reduction programme
            year (Cuschieri and Mamo, 2016;   whilst aiming to avoid or minimise    affects 19% of foods eaten by
            Tedstone et al., 2018). Successful   the sugar levy being applied. In    children and adults.
            reduction in calorie intake could   foods, the bulk functionality of    •  The sugar reduction programme
            reduce the cost and time spent on   sugar is harder to replace than   covers 25% of calorie sources for
            these health issues, allowing health   sweetness because considerably    children.
            professionals to concentrate on other   less high-intensity sweetener is   •  The drinks levy covers 5% of
            health problems and improving    needed to achieve the required     calories which come from drinks.
            quality of life for the general public.   sweetness level.
                                                                              Overall, a significant portion of food
            A significant portion of calorie intake   In 2018, the UK government set out a   sources are covered by the UK
            comes from baked goods and as a   calorie reduction plan for the food   government’s policy.
            result, therefore, a reduction in the   industry in the policy document
            calorie density of this type of   “Calorie reduction: The scope and   In 2022, the World Health
            foodstuff may reduce overall calorie   ambition for action”. In this document,   Organisation (WHO) announced that
            intake for the population at large.  as with the sugar reduction   it will launch a calorie reduction

                                                                                       BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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