Page 39 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 39

                                                                                               FOOD SAFETY    39



            endeavours to be better for the

            environment, but has this increased

            the risk of food contamination?

            Written by:

                                                     Lindsey Parkinson
                                     Data Scientist and Scientific Editor, Food Packaging Forum

                 o support the transition to a   and resource use. In addition, the   globally. In 2022, our own follow-up
              more circular, sustainable economy,   chemicals within a material and their   research found that nearly 3000
              many food producers are        impacts on health and the        different chemicals have been
              reconsidering how they process   environment also need to be    measured in FCMs, two-thirds of
            and package their products. This   considered.                    which were chemicals not previously
            might be achieved by switching to                                 known to be used.
            biobased or biodegradable plastics,   In our food system, much of the
            increasing recycled content, or by   discussion around sustainable   Many of these, amounting to nearly
            using lighter weight packaging (aka   materials focuses on the packaging of   2000 additional food contact
            lightweighting). The EU Circular   the final product, but chemicals can   chemicals, are likely to be non-
            Economy Action Plan even highlights   transfer into foodstuff from both the   intentionally added substances
            packaging, aiming to “ensure that all   packaging and the processing   (NIAS). These can be, for example,
            packaging on the EU market is    equipment. Materials that touch food   impurities, processing and
            reusable or recyclable in an     during processing and packaging are   environmental contaminants, or
            economically viable way by 2030.”   called food contact materials (FCMs).   intentionally-added chemicals that
            This is a good place to start, but to                             have degraded into something else.
            have a safe circular economy, more   Research by the Food Packaging   The more processed a food product,
            needs to be accounted for over and   Forum in 2020 found that over   the more opportunities there are for
            above the commonly discussed     12,000 chemicals are intentionally   substances both intentionally and
            impacts such as carbon emissions   used in food contact materials,   non-intentionally added to transfer

                                                                                       BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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