Page 42 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 42

        42    FOOD SAFETY

            many “biodegradable” plastic     recycling streams are often mixed   over time creating a greater potential
            products might never actually    with materials never intended for food   for migration into food.
            biodegrade in home compost or    contact. For paper products this
            when littered. Furthermore, the   includes items such as newspapers,   Lightweighting
            chemical additives are usually not   magazines and thermal receipts while   Many companies are concerned
            addressed at all, so many of these   food grade plastics may be mixed   about the CO emissions caused by
            potentially hazardous chemicals may   with cosmetic containers or   transportation, so they try to lower
            ultimately end up polluting the   occasionally waste electronics.  the weight of the packaging. For
            compost or environment. Consumers   Non-food-grade materials can be a   example, this may be done by
            can, therefore, unknowingly create   source of NIAS in recycled food   switching from glass to plastic, or
            problems for their local recycling and   packaging and because paper and   from a single material plastic to a
            composting facilities when trying to   plastics are chemically active, those   blend of materials. While this might
            dispose of “biodegradable” plastic   substances can migrate into food.   reduce weight, switching to complex,
            products. Notably, the same can be                                non-inert materials can in some cases
            true for paper that contains hazardous   Typical recycling-related   increase human and environmental
            chemicals like water and grease-  contaminants for paper products   exposure to hazardous chemicals due
            repellent PFAS chemicals.        include mineral oil hydrocarbons,   to migration.
                                             bisphenols, phthalates, and
            Increasing recycled content      photoinitiators; and in plastics, also   Solutions to challenges such as this
            Recycling is currently a necessary   fl avour compounds, oligomers and   are best solved by unrestrictive
            part of reducing resource        additives from the recycling process.   thought processes i.e. to use a
            consumption, but FCMs thrown in   These contaminants can concentrate   common expression “think outside
                                                                              the box” – (Or as we say here at
            “Sustainability is not only                                       Baking Europe, don’t even get in the
                                                                              box! Baking Europe Ed.)
            achieved through meeting                                          Sustainability is not only achieved

            carbon targets.”                                                  through meeting CO emission
                                                                              targets. All related areas also need

            BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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