Page 47 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 47

                                                                                                 HYDROGEN     47

            Hydrogen will have a role to play as   “Hydrogen will have a role to
            the UK moves its energy supply to
            ‘renewable, greener’ sources. The UK   play as the UK moves its energy
            hydrogen strategy was released in
            August 2021, which included a target   supply to ‘renewable, greener’
            of 5GW of hydrogen based energy
            production by 2030 with The British   sources.”
            Energy Security Strategy being
            updated in April 2022 stating the UK
            Government’s intention to double its   burners. The fi nal decision on this will   blended into natural gas (NG). The
            output to a capacity of 10GW by   be made by the end of 2023.     project, managed by a specialist
            2030.                            Hydrogen blending has some major   energy company, started during 2017
                                             advantages compared with pure    and is due for completion in 2023, in
            At least half of this target is to come   hydrogen. In the main, there is no   time for the Government’s decision
            from electrolytic hydrogen which   change necessary for consumers   on hydrogen implementation. Some
            avoids the requirement for natural gas   using gas boilers to heat their homes   of the trials, both completed and
            as the feedstock. A commitment was   or for industries using gas-fi red   ongoing, include the following:
            made by the Government to meet   heating and drying equipment.
            this aspiration by 2025 with 2GW of                               •  Keele, Staff ordshire. A hundred
            low emission hydrogen production   Moving to a 20% blend in the     homes and 30 university buildings
            capacity, either in operation or   country’s natural gas network requires   received a NG/H blend between
            construction and 1GW of electrolytic   the scientifi c evidence to prove it will   October 2019 and March 2021,
            hydrogen.                        work eff ectively and is safe.     marking a safe and successful
                                                                                operation of the UK’s fi rst live
            A concerted eff ort is needed to   HyDeploy project                 hydrogen trial. This trial provided
            ensure that all pieces of the UK's   HyDeploy, a major collaborative   over 42,000 standard cubic metres
            hydrogen puzzle come together to   project, developed and delivered in a   (scm) of hydrogen, abating over 27
            achieve the Government's         consortium partnership between six   tonnes of CO .
            commitment. One of the applications   organisations, is helping to shape the   •  Winlaton, Gateshead.  A school,
            will be to blend 20% of hydrogen into   UK Government’s policy on its   church, 668 homes and a shop,
            the existing natural gas supply. At this   hydrogen strategy. The project entails   currently receive a NG/H blend. The
            level there should be no noticeable   the running of several industrial and   trial commenced in August 2021.
            eff ects on the combustion       domestic trials to evaluate the issues   No appliance issues or diff erences
            performance of domestic or industrial   when 20% of hydrogen (H) is   have been observed by residents.

                                                                                       BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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