Page 50 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 50

        50    HYDROGEN

            Table 1: Methods used to assess baked product quality
             Bread (Loaf + rolls)              Cake                                        Biscuits

             Specifi c volume using Laser profi ler  Cake slice texture         Biscuit moisture content
             Bread slice cell structure using C-Cell   Cake water activity      Biscuit texture and hardness
             Bread slice texture              Cake moisture content             Stack height (and thickness)

            A sequence of baking trials was set up   Analysis of the instrumental   gas use and temperature control
            that minimised the infl uences of   measurements showed minimal    because of the increased time the
            environmental temperature and    statistical diff erences in the products   oven temperature stays steady,
            humidity on product preparation and   baked in NG compared with a 23% H/  however, using a continuous bakery
            oven performance. Both these     NG blend. All products were blind   oven would increase the quantity of
            variables are known to infl uence the   tasted to further confi rm that no   gas required for the trials and
            quality of baked products. The   diff erences could be identifi ed.  introduce inconsistencies when
            following products were                                           changing cylinders during the oven
            manufactured and baked for the   Some of the results are given for key   runs.
            purposes of the trial:           measurements specifi c to those
                                             products.  Figure 1 shows specifi c   The gas-fi red batch oven was
            •  White bread, tinned, unlidded   volume for bread, Figure 2 the   considered as the best way to
              800g                           moisture content of digestive biscuits   compare NG and a H/NG blend. Data
            •  Wholemeal bread rolls 90g     and Figure 3 the water activity of   from these batch baking trials has
            •  Plain pound cake, 400g        cakes. Diff erences were minimal.  given an indication that any
            •  Shortbread biscuit                                             diff erences in gas use or oven
            •  Digestive biscuit             Oven temperatures and gas fl ow rate   temperature were minimal.
                                             were also measured throughout.
            The manufacturing processes and   These diff erences were diffi  cult to   The HyDeploy project has been
            recipes for the above products   compare with a batch oven because   pivotal in demonstrating the feasibility
            followed standard Campden BRI    of the limited duration of steady   of deploying a hydrogen/natural gas
            procedures and were similar to those   operation. Heat loss when opening   blend in order to unlock hydrogen
            used by industry. Two replicate trials   the door to fi ll and empty the oven   adoption within the UK. It has also
            were run for each product and for   resulted in increased gas demand.   materially infl uenced the growing
            each gas type, (four total trial bakes   Baking time varied between 12   recognition as well as the strategic
            per product). Baked products were   minutes for the digestive biscuits to   importance of such blending. It is
            analysed using the full suite of tests   45 minutes for the cakes.   anticipated that the project timeline
            applicable to each product type.                                  should directly facilitate the
            Table 1 outlines the methods used for   A continuous bakery oven would   Government’s ambitions of hydrogen
            each product.                    off er more opportunity to compare   use in industry by 2023.

            “It is widely accepted that a                                      FOR MORE INFORMATION        →

            bakery oven is the most energy
            greedy part of a bakery and,                                      Campden BRI
            therefore, off ers the greatest                                            f f food ood and drink innovation

            potential for CO  emission                                        Gary Tucker
            reduction.”                                                       Tel: +44(0)1386 842035

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