Page 45 - Baking Europe Journal - Winter 2022
P. 45

                                                                                               FOOD SAFETY    45

                                               About the author
                                               Lindsey Parkinson manages the Food Packaging Forum’s data products and
                                               interactive visualisation tools and regularly writes on the research,
                                               governmental policies and civil society campaigns related to the safety of
                                               chemicals used in food contact materials. She collates the Food Packaging
                                               Forum’s latest research, projects, tool updates and news from the fi eld of
                                               food contact materials in their monthly newsletter.

                                               About the Food Packaging Forum
                                               The Food Packaging Forum (FPF) is a non-profi t, charitable foundation
                                               based in Zurich, Switzerland dedicated to science communication on
                                               chemicals in food contact materials and their impacts on health and the
                                               environment. A small team of dedicated scientists, engineers and project
                                               managers provide high quality, science-based publications and tools to
                                               enable a dialogue between professional stakeholders.

                                             •  Consider simplifying/localising
                                               supply chains to reduce processing
                                               and storage steps – this may lead to
                                               innovation in the business model.

                                             To achieve a truly sustainable food
                                             system, FCMs need to be safe for
                                             both human and environmental
                                             health, or to put it simply: If    Contact detail
                                             packaging is not safe, it is not   Lindsey Parkinson
                                             sustainable and therefore neither is   Data Scientist and Scientifi c Editor
                                             the food product. So far, our society
                                             has largely adopted CO emissions   Food Packaging Forum
                                             together with effi  cient resource use   Foundation
              materials that the business’s   as pillars of a sustainable system, but   Tel. +41 44 515 5255
              customers can dispose of properly   considering chemicals is a necessary
              – and make sure that those     step to safely enable the circular
              materials do not contain PFAS and   economy. Fortunately, the resources
              other persistent, hazardous    are available for companies to make a   Staff elstrasse 10 | 8045 Zurich |
              chemicals.                     good start.

             1.Groh KJ, Geueke B, Martin O, Maffi  ni M, Muncke J. Overview of intentionally used food contact chemicals and their
             hazards. Environment International. 2021 May 1;150:106225
             2. Geueke B, Groh KJ, Maffi  ni MV, Martin OV, Boucher JM, Chiang YT, Gwosdz F, Jieh P, Kassotis CD, Łańska P, Myers
             JP. Systematic evidence on migrating and extractable food contact chemicals: Most chemicals detected in food
             contact materials are not listed for use. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2022 Apr 18:1-1
             3. SPHERE: the packaging sustainability framework
             4. UP Scorecard

                                                                                       BAKINGEUROPE Winter 2022/2023
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