Page 11 - The European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022 - Volume 2
P. 11
European Baking Ingredients
Fedima 11
Market Report 2022
Fedima foreword
Dear readers, and EU levels, and ensuring that
members’ concerns are brought
As president of Fedima, to the attention of the EU policy-
the Federation of European making institutions.
manufacturers and suppliers
of ingredients to the bakery, Adding to the COVID-19
confectionary and patisserie pandemic, these unprecedented
industries, I am delighted to share times have taught us the
with you the result of our valuable importance of collaboration and
collaboration with Media Energy relationship-building within the
Ltd.: Fedima’s contribution to sector. Indeed, cooperation is Johan Sanders
the 2022 edition of the insightful crucial to tackle urgent challenges
European Baking Ingredients such as deforestation and forest President
Market Report. Due to its success degradation, which aggravate Fedima
last year, we agreed to extend our climate change and biodiversity
fruitful partnership with Media loss. Fedima and its members are
Energy Ltd. for three more years. committed to creating a favourable
We are extremely thankful to have policy environment that ensures
the opportunity to cooperate with a sustainable and innovative
such an experienced and qualified bakery industry. Therefore, we
team of publishers, as well as to are consciously making the shift enjoy the pleasure of the taste,
share our Association’s insights on to responsible sourcing to stop sight, and mind.
topical issues. deforestation.
In addition, the report shares with
This year has been marked by Apart from analyses on the you the objectives, values, ongoing
the Russian large-scale invasion aforementioned topical issues, the activities and future projects of
of Ukraine, which is having a following pages include a detailed our Association, whilst aiming to
major impact on food security, summary on pastry consumption contribute to the current research
with global prices skyrocketing habits in three European countries, and debate in the sector.
and the disruption of the food based on a survey commissioned
supply chain increasing. Fedima, by Fedima. Although pastries I hope you enjoy reading this
representing the interests of 13 are not considered a ‘staple’ food publication, and I hope it inspires
National Associations across in terms of physical needs, they new ideas and drives further
Europe, has worked together with offer people an emotional and collaboration for the future of the
partner associations to mitigate the social benefit that should not bakery sector.
conflict’s impact on our members be underestimated. Indeed, I
and on the sector, coordinating encourage you to read this section Johan Sanders
information at member state whilst eating a sweet pastry, and President of Fedima