Page 18 - The European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022 - Volume 2
P. 18

18       European Baking Ingredients
                       Market Report 2022

            •  Sustainability Data Collection.   The Marketing & Communications   consumers to eat pastries. A
               In 2021, nine sector companies   Committee ensures that Fedima’s   summary of the study is featured
               participated to the collection   ongoing work and activities are   in the present publication as part
               of sustainability data, intending   communicated both internally,   of the campaign, and articles
               to gain better insights into   among members, and externally      based on qualitative research
               the sustainable developments   to policymakers, stakeholders,     were shared on Fedima’s
               of the industry and apply a   and industry players. Its objective    LinkedIn account and pitched to
               benchmark allowing companies   is to help the Association         local and specialised media.
               to compare and share best     promote the sector, expand the
               practices. A report containing   bread and pastry market,      •  Data collection and market
               aggregated or anonymised      improve the end-consumers           insights. Fedima regularly gathers
               data has been shared with     perception of the industry and its   data from its members to quantify
               participatory companies. Thanks   products, and establish Fedima’s   its market size and assess the
               to its success, the exercise was   place as a reliable and essential   importance of specific products
               reconducted in 2022.          player on the European bakery       such as bread and pastry or
                                             scene.                              ingredients such as yeast or
            •  Packaging Expert Taskforce.                                       sourdough. This information gives
               Created in Spring 2021, this   •  From pastry study to campaign.   the Association sharp insights
               Taskforce gathered packaging     Last year Fedima commissioned    into the market trends and helps
               experts to pull resources to     a qualitative survey on consumer   ground communications and
               foster change in the industry,   behaviour regarding pastry,      policy outreach efforts with
               with suppliers and decision-     conducted by research agency     reliable data.
               makers, to improve the           Kirona in three European
               recyclability of packaging in a   countries in October 2021. To   •  Annual report. Fedima produces
               circular economy model. The      launch the communications        an annual report highlighting the
               Taskforce adopted a Vision       campaign, the Association used   Association’s main achievements
               Paper in late 2021 to achieve    the data to share insights into the   throughout the year. Digital
               sustainable packaging in the     importance of pastry products    readers can see the 2021-2022
               bakery sector by 2025.           and shed light on what drives    Annual report here. n

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