Page 22 - The European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022 - Volume 2
P. 22
22 European Baking Ingredients
Market Report 2022
Shifting to responsible sourcing
to stop deforestation
eforestation and forest impact. The European Commission deforestation. The Commission
degradation occur at an took action in November 2021, proposal is currently being
alarming rate, aggravating and published a proposal for a reviewed by the Council of the EU
Dclimate change and Regulation on deforestation-free and the European Parliament, co-
biodiversity loss. Since 1990, the products, aiming to restrict the legislators on this file.
world has lost 420 million hectares placement on the European market
of forest, primarily in Africa and of products coming from supply What is Fedima doing?
South America, according to the chains associated with the mass Fedima is committed to creating
Food and Agriculture Organisation destruction of trees. a favourable policy environment
(FAO). In recent years, the issue that ensures a sustainable and
has been high on the political The proposal sets targets for cattle, innovative bakery industry. The
agenda. In COP26, the leaders of wood, palm oil, soy, cocoa, coffee Association and its member
more than 130 countries signed a as well as relevant products that organisations are operating at
Declaration on Forests and Land contain, are fed with, or are made a halfway point in the supply
Use, emphasising forests’ crucial using those commodities linked chain, between ‘farm’ and ‘fork’,
role in meeting international climate to a high risk of deforestation. effectively at a crossroads between
targets. Before placing these products the production and consumption
on the EU market or exporting of bread and patisserie, and are
The main cause of deforestation them from the EU, operators and therefore well placed to work
is the expansion of agricultural large traders would be required to towards a more sustainable bakery
land to produce commodities conduct comprehensive, effective industry.
consumed in large quantities in the and continuous due diligence to
European Union’s market, such as prove that their products do not The life-cycle of food
cattle and wood, as well as palm oil, contribute to deforestation or products includes agriculture,
cocoa, and soy. Until last year, the forest degradation. This entails manufacturing, packaging,
European Union lacked effective disclosing information about distribution, use, and disposal. It
rules to tackle its contribution to their supply chains and reporting is crucial to reduce the impact of
deforestation and its environmental on their measures to avoid agricultural production and that