Page 27 - The European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022 - Volume 2
P. 27
European Baking Ingredients
Fedima 27
Market Report 2022
The world of pastry offers a whole
galaxy to explore, where new
trends are embraced and traditional
recipes are reclaimed.
symbols of France is clear. Perhaps there are also relevant objective and other products calling you in
an éclair might cause more factors which play into a decision. from the street outside, and that
divergent opinions, originating in Which brings us to the question: products have distinguishable,
France but now also a ubiquitous what makes a product enticing for recognisable tastes. In Germany,
and popular product in the UK. consumers? a product ticks the boxes when
What comes to mind when thinking it is fresh, made with tasty and
of the most well-known pastries of Our research shows that several authentic ingredients, as well as
Germany if not the Berliner? elements come into play having an appealing appearance.
here, including: taste, texture, A UK audience pays attention
Along with products, what do these appearance, smell, ingredients, to a display of craftsmanship in
three European countries have and packaging. Both professionals products and appreciates a clear
in terms of pastry traditions? In in the baked goods sector and distinction between textures and an
Germany, it is a tradition to gather consumers have a broad idea interesting display.
as a family at the weekend around of what makes a good or bad
a variety of cakes whereas in the UK product. Good products generally Conclusion
it is common to have tea and sweet have the perfect balance of taste, What does this research tell us?
treat in the afternoon. smell and texture; they are not Firstly, that the pastry market has
too overloaded with butter or undergone and will continue to
In France, the concept of a ‘goûter’ sugar but still satisfy expectations undergo some changes due to
is ingrained in childhood and often of indulgence; and quantities do new trends in consumer habits
continues into adulthood, with not leave you wanting more nor and preferences. This is both in
sweet pastry often being a part of do they leave you feeling too full. relation to COVID-19 impacts on
this snack. The habits and traditions Going into more detail, participants routines and to increased consumer
in France, Germany and the United in the research study from these interest in understanding what they
Kingdom can be unique to their three markets have shown that are eating and making informed
countries but some have crossed consumers do not appreciate choices.
borders which is also true in other pastries that have noticeably
European countries. What is certain, artificial flavouring or smells, that Whilst there are traditions, both at
however, is that products can make do not maintain their texture well individual and cultural levels, there
or break a consumer’s experience (either crunchy or soft), that have is also space for innovation and
depending on their quality. too many artificial ingredients, change if the products maintain
that are served in inappropriate their principal appeal. Consumers
The characteristics of a good portions, or that have cheap or choose pastries because they feel
product inappropriate packaging. nostalgic for the past or cultural
So, what makes a good product? traditions, but there is also a desire
Keeping in mind what drives people Personal and cultural taste comes to explore new tastes and textures.
to eat pastries in general, we must into decisions or judgments on the
not overlook the elements that quality of products, however, our The world of pastry offers a
drive people to choose one pastry research has shown that certain whole galaxy to explore, where
over another, or indeed a given elements recur across these three new trends are embraced and
version of a pastry. As mentioned countries: the desire for a balanced, traditional recipes are reclaimed,
above, many choices related to beautiful, and enticing product. as consumers will never get tired
this particular segment of food are In France, this also means that of creating bonds through these
driven by emotional factors, but bakeries smell fresh, the pastries sweet goods. n