Page 28 - The European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022 - Volume 2
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28 European Baking Ingredients
Market Report 2022
Commitment to safety
and health at work
ow incomplete would Since its establishment more than Guidelines on the Safe Handling
a meal be without a fifty years ago, enhancing the of Enzymes in the Bakery Sector.
slice of bread, toast or a safety and health of workers in This guidance document for the
Hmorning coffee without the bakery sector has been one of safe handling of raw materials and
a pastry to sweeten it? More than Fedima’s priorities. ingredients that contain enzymes
any ingredients or thousand- provides the insight and tools to
year-old recipes, workers in the In 2019, the Joint Enzyme Safety help safeguard the safety and
bakery supply chain are essential Working Group (AFES), composed health of workers. Due to the
to ensuring that fresh bread and of Fedima and the Association of nature of their work, workers can be
pastries are ready to be served Manufacturers and Formulators exposed to some bakery ingredients
every morning in your trusted of Enzyme (AMFEP), developed associated with health risks when
bakery. a series of webinars based on the exposure is not well controlled.
Translation of webinars on the safe handling of enzymes
This series of webinars, initially conducted in English, has been recently translated into Turkish, Romanian,
Spanish, German and French making them of use for Fedima’s member associations, spread across thirteen
countries in Europe.
Thanks to the relevance and highly instructive aspect of this material, translating these sessions became
a priority of AFES Working Group, intending to distribute its recommendations on the safe handling of
enzymes to a larger network within the bakery supply chain. The webinars are available for download on
Fedima’s website.
Fedima is fully committed to safety and health at the workplace and
tackles this issue through its different Expert Groups. In these meetings,
members follow relevant policy and regulatory developments at EU
and national level, bridge the legislative and regulatory aspects, and
provide positions on food safety, labelling, and workers’ safety. Besides,
the Association builds upon industry relationships, working alongside
policy-makers, stakeholders, and other associations to strengthen their
efforts in educating, improving, and safeguarding the safety and health
of workers in the bakery sector, among other issues.