Page 33 - The European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022 - Volume 1
P. 33

European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022
                                                             REDUCING EUROPE’S SALT INTAKE 33

                        Despite most European countries

                        having some sort of initiative to

            nationally reduce population salt intake, there

            is still a long way to go to reach the

            recommended intake .

            countries. This can involve      Greece, where tomato juice       Norway, Poland, Sweden and the
            implementing guidelines in public   and pastes are also subject to   UK. These countries continue to
            institutions such as schools and   legislated maximum salt levels.   rely on voluntary targets, despite
            hospitals, to reduce the saltiness of   Similar measures taken in other   mixed success.
            food available or restricting the sale   countries include Bulgaria, where
            of high salt products. 12        salt content is limited in certain   The UK was the first country in
                                             cheeses, meat products and       the world to pioneer voluntary
            In Latvia, for example, the      vegetable relish and certain ready-  salt targets for the food industry
            government has set maximum salt   to-eat products, in Croatia .   to work towards. Between 2006
            levels for food served in hospitals,                              and 2011, salt levels in many foods
            care homes and education institutions   The impact of Portugal’s mandatory   fell by 20% - 40%, population salt
            and, in Portugal, advertising food   salt target is especially clear.   intake fell, as did deaths from stroke
            and drink high in energy, salt, sugar,   Portugal was one of the first   and heart attacks.  However, since
            saturated fat and trans fats has been   countries in Europe to successfully   this success, progress has stalled
            prohibited in venues, including   introduce a law limiting salt   and it has become clear to us that
            schools, since 2019. 13          content in bread, in 2009. National   mandatory – not voluntary – targets
                                             legislation was introduced to set   are now the best way to get further
            Food reformulation               an upper limit of 550 mg sodium   action on salt in the UK. 19
            The second most popular policy   (1.4 g salt) per 100 g bread. 15,16
            intervention is food reformulation,   This reduction alone led to a fall   Front of pack labelling
            with 57% of European countries   in population salt intake of 1.7 g   Front of pack labelling is also
            undertaking some sort of activity to   per person, per day. The limit has   a popular measure that 47% of
            reduce salt levels in processed and   since been gradually reduced to   European countries use to address
            packaged foods.  Unlike trans fats,   1.3 g/100 g in bread in 2019 and   high salt intake.  Not only do clear,
            where an EU-wide regulation exists   most recently to 1g salt/100 g in   colour coded labels or warning
            to legally limit levels in food,   no   bread, from January 2022. This   stickers provide consumers with
            pan-European legislation exists to   has facilitated gradual, consistent   useful information on salt content,
            limit salt levels. However, twelve   reductions in salt content, to allow   more importantly they encourage
            countries including Portugal,    consumers’ palates to adjust.    the food industry to reformulate
            Belgium, Greece, Hungary and the                                  their products with less salt.
            Netherlands have tried a legislative   Prior to this legislation, Portugal had
            approach to limiting salt levels   a voluntary agreement between   Finland was one of the first
            in food. In fact, compared with   the Portuguese Government and   countries to adopt this strategy in
            other regions globally, Europe has   the Portuguese Association of   the early 1990s – implementing
            the highest number of countries   Bakery Manufacturers to reduce   salt labelling regulations, including
            implementing mandatory targets   salt levels in bread,  thus providing   “high salt” warning labels. These
            for salt levels in foods,  although   a good example of how a country   were highly effective and by
            it should be noted that most     can move from voluntary measures   mandating these labels on the front
            legislation is focused on bread   to legislated targets for countries   of food packs, Finland was able
            only. Further measures exist in   such as France, Austria, Croatia,   to achieve significant reductions

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