Page 52 - The European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022 - Volume 2
P. 52

European Baking Ingredients Market Report 2022
                       INKWOOD RESEARCH
             52 Portugal


                                                                               Recent developments/packaging
                                                                               innovations/product launches/
                                                                               marketing campaigns
                                                                               •  AB Mauri released Tradiferm, a
                                                                                 preparation for creating home-
               PORTUGAL                                                          made bread from sachets of
               Capital                                 Lisbon                    inactive fermented dough and
                                                                                 dry yeast, in January 2021,
               Population                              10,132,439 (2022)
                                                                                 utilizing high-quality ingredients.
               GDP (in US$ billion)                    US$249.89 (2021)          Its sour dough component sets
               Expenditures spent on food (%)          16.63% (2018)             it apart since it allows the user
                                                                                 to customize the amount of this
               Expenditure on food per capita (US$)    US$2,629.4 (2018)
                                                                                 ingredient, allowing them to
               Source: Inkwood Research                                          create their own unique recipe
                                                                                 with diverse flavors.

                                                                               •  Auchan stores sells the
            Key trends of bakery ingredients &   increasing availability and sales   previous day's bread at a
            baked goods observed in country     of healthier products such as    discounted price, which may
            •  Packaged flatbread and           seed and cereal bread, darker    be utilized for cooking. Bread
               packaged leavened bread,         flour bread, and high-fibre and   that is more than two days old,
               along with packaged              specialty bread. Supermarket     on the other hand, gets turned
               cakes and packaged               and hypermarket bakers also      into breadcrumbs, which is
               pastries, saw a positive         have a broader selection of      also less expensive. In both
               impact in Portugal.              healthy bread variants, including   situations, the items are sold at
                                                goods made with carob or beets.   a 50% discount from regular
            •  Bio products and the use of      Such novelty offerings entice    bread. The program, which is
               cereals and seeds as wheat       customers, and not only those    accessible at all Auchan shops,
               substitutes are becoming         looking for gluten-free or diet-  helps to the Zero Waste effort
               more popular. There has been     specific bread.                  while also allowing shoppers to

             Product Analysis – bakery ingredients

               Portugal baked goods market, by product, 2021 (US$ Million)
                 1400                       206.6             30.8             6.0
                 1200      1072.9

                           Bread            Cakes         Dessert Mixes    Frozen baked       Pastries
               Source: Inkwood Research

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